Monday, July 19, 2021

World's Dumbest Criminal Arrested After Responding to Facebook Post About Her Being a Fugitive

World's Dumbest Criminal Arrested After Responding to Facebook Post About Her Being a Fugitive
Brodigan - July 19, 2021 at 01:27PM

Some people are so stupid, all you can do is be impressed by their stupidity.

Lorraine Graves was wanted as an accessory to murder. The Tulsa Police Department posted on Facebook that there was an award for information leading to Lorraine Graves' arrest. Unlike in San Francisco, crime is still illegal in Tulsa. Someone responded with information about Lorraine Graves. It was Lorraine Graves.

Seriously. That's the story.

On Wednesday, we posted Lorraine Graves as the Weekly Most Wanted for Accessory to Murder in the homicide of Eric Graves earlier this year.

Shortly after that, Lorraine Graves started commenting on our post asking about reward money.

On 7/15/21 around 4:30 p.m., detectives arrested Graves.

This is a lack of intelligence that needs to marveled at and studied. This specimen was wanted as an accessory to homicide. Granted, I have no firsthand experience with this myself. But I've seen enough episodes of Law & Order to know that when you're accused of a crime and aren't turning yourself in, it's best to lay low. It would only take someone with a below-average IQ to know to lay low. Maybe flee the state. Not do things like drive around the neighborhood in the car you just stole like this other idiot.

Lorraine Graves responds to a Facebook post about her arrest asking, and I quote, "where the reward money at?" Does she not know how social media works? She didn't even use a burner account! She used her normal Facebook page. Even other people commenting pointed out how stupid that was. One of them said it wasn't "gonna be funny when you get processed."

Not funny for Lorraine Graves. It's hilarious to me. I'm sure to the Tulsa Police Department too.

I'd love to be there for questioning just to find out how she thought this was going to play out in her head. Not the accessory to murder part. That's between here and the legal system. I want to know how she thought she was going to collect the reward. For whatever the thought process behind her decision to comment, I want to be walked through it.

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