Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA Flips Major Bird to Pro-Vax Adherents

Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA Flips Major Bird to Pro-Vax Adherents
Courtney Kirchoff - July 27, 2021 at 09:31AM

Having to show medical documentation you've been poked before you enter an establishment, any establishment, reminds me of old World War II movies where the Nazis walk up and down train cars demanding "Papers please" as they search for spies. But remember, showing your ID to prove you are who you say you are in order to vote, that's racist. Anyhoo, an Italian restaurant in Newsom's occupied California is taking the exact opposite approach. Balisco's Pasta E Vino in Huntington Beach recently posted a sign reading it will ask diners for proof of being unvaccinated before they can stuff their faces with pasta. Of course you can't prove what you've not done, and that's rather the point. We'll get to that in a second. First, the relevant pull quote from the OC Register:

While the emergence of the Delta variant of COVID-19 has many businesses and consumers proceeding with caution, Basilico's Pasta E Vino in Huntington Beach continues with its campaign of noncompliance with state safety recommendations. It recently posted a sign saying it will be asking diners for "proof" of being unvaccinated.
It's the latest in a series of defiant actions from the restaurant, which started with an anti-masking campaign in May 2020. The restaurant asked customers to remove masks when they were inside.

The sign reads:

NOTICE: Proof of being UNvaccinated REQUIRED
We have zero tolerance for treasonous, anti-American stupidity. Thank you for pondering.

Now of course it's impossible to prove a negative and I believe that's the point. If you've encountered any member of the species covidcius vaccinatus, you know the first thing they tell you is "I'm vaccinated." This is said proudly, much the same way a vegan announces itself to those of us who happily consume protein to feed our protein-requiring minds. Methinks the sign on Balisco's is meant to act as a deterrent to all those who believe getting poked with a drug is somehow a badge of honor, accomplishment, or signifier they're above those of us who've not taken the hokey pokey.

Obviously the sign will irk the angry vaxxers, but if I may offer a gentle word of advice: just don't enter the establishment, you whiny, insufferable needle-pushing morons.

I'm not sure what happened to the idea of body autonomy or freedom of choice the past couple of years, but perhaps we can develop a new variant. Until then, if you're in and around the Huntington Beach area, maybe stop by and give Balisco's a try. They sound like my kind of folks.

from Steven Crowder Says