Wednesday, July 21, 2021

'You're a Little Desperate': King Puts Vapid Influencer in Her Place for Challenging His Marriage

'You're a Little Desperate': King Puts Vapid Influencer in Her Place for Challenging His Marriage
Brodigan - July 21, 2021 at 10:21AM

I refuse to acknowledge "influencers" as real people. As a capitalist, I can appreciate the hustle. If being a vapid human being gets lots of people to follow you on Instagram and gets other people to pay you money, for being a vapid human, good for you. That doesn't mean you don't deserve to be mocked at every opportunity one would have to mock you. This specimen -- we'll call her "Becky with an I," was the victim of a self own. It started with her asking this King if he thought she was pretty.

BECKY WITH AN I: On a scale of, like, one to, like ten, how would you rate me?

KING: I wouldn't. I'm married.

You would think that would be the end of the question. Nevertheless, she persisted.

BECKY WITH AN I: But if you weren't married, I mean like, eurmagawd, look how cute I am. How would you rate me?

KING: I'd give you a one. You're a little desperate. The most important person is my wife.

"Becky with an I" played it off as cute when the camera was on her. You know off-camera, she was a biyatch about it all day. Saying the cop was probably gay. Or claims his wife must be fat and hideous. If I were to guess, "Becky with an I" probably also claims to not like drama and overuses the Marilyn Monroe quote about not deserving her at her best if you don't love her at her worst. Girls who say that never have a best.

We should probably allow that there is context missing here. Maybe "Becky with an I" is actually a satirist playing the part of a vapid influencer. Just to see how people react. However, the King's response is legit. And that's what's important here.

from Steven Crowder Says