Monday, July 19, 2021

Joe Biden Clarifies Comments About Facebook Killing People; Somehow It's Not the Dumbest Thing He Says

Joe Biden Clarifies Comments About Facebook Killing People; Somehow It's Not the Dumbest Thing He Says
Brodigan - July 19, 2021 at 12:48PM

Joe Biden ended last week accusing Facebook of killing people. Those were the words he said with his facehole. His administration had this whole "We Heart Big Tech Censorship" thing going. They said Big Tech companies weren't censoring enough and allowing too much of what they called "misinformation." They claimed they only meant "medical" misinformation, but you and I both know what's going on here.

Biden clarified today. Facebook isn't killing people. Twelve Facebook USERS are killing people. Facebook is just letting them get away with murder.

It was pointed out that Facebook, of all the misinformation, 60 percent of the misinformation came from 12 individuals. That's what the article said. So I was asked that question about what do I think is happening. Facebook isn't killing people, these 12 people are out there giving misinformation.

That's not what happened at all.

No mention of these twelve people. The reporter didn't ask Biden about this alleged thing he read about twelve people. Also, TWELVE PEOPLE?! They really expect us to believe the surgeon general released a report calling for consequences over misinformation because of twelve people. Jen Psaki acting as Biden's spokessoulessginger called for users to be deplatformed from EVERY PLATFORM over twelve people. No word on if these twelve people are the same Russians who got Donald Trump elected with a few memes. Ten bucks say Democrat claim it was them by the end of the week.

If this was really about twelve people, the solution seems easy. Call on Facebook to ban those twelve people. The Biden administration has made it clear they don't care about privacy. Democrats are anti-free speech, including those who work for Facebook. If they honestly believe that the reason people aren't getting their V-words is because of twelve people, name them and shame them. Or at the very least, be specific with what "misinformation" these twelve people are spreading.

I'm not trying to hold people accountable, I'm trying to make people look at themselves, look in the mirror. Think about that misinformation going to your son, your daughter, your relative, someone you love, that's what I'm asking.

The Joe Biden White House called for Americans to be removed from the public square over what they call "misinformation." They spent 48 hours doing so. Biden ended accusing an American company of killing people. All because, if we're taking Biden at his word, twelve people shared misleading Facebook posts.

Joe Biden is the one who needs to look in the mirror. Anyone with functioning brain cells sees what's going on here. Saying it's due to "medical" misinformation is just Biden's trial balloon.

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from Steven Crowder Says