Wednesday, March 31, 2021

UK College Erects Bronze Statue Celebrating Social Justice Pioneer: Greta Thunberg

UK College Erects Bronze Statue Celebrating Social Justice Pioneer: Greta Thunberg
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 01:57PM

Not since the Fearless Girl Statue has there been a more accurate monument to faux activism. "Fearless Girl" was created so that while feminists and other leftists were celebrating meaningless gestures and a shiny object, the company behind it was laughing at them. A British university has installed a false idol of its own. They needed something the encapsulates everything they're told to believe. There's only one icon that can pull off such a feat. So they installed a bronze sculpture of legendary political activist Greta Thunberg.

Yes, the kid. While not the first monument to Gretaism, it's easily the cringiest.

When we last saw Greta, she was being shamed on MSNBC for not actually knowing what she was talking about. Bollocks to that says the University of Winchester. She's everything the students — the alleged university students who are of typical university age — strive to be.

Titled Make a Difference, the sculpture is believed to be the world's first life-size sculpture of the young Swedish climate change activist and is a symbol of the University's ongoing commitment to sustainability and social justice.

The way the university decides on what art to purchase or commission is to ask themselves, "Selves, what pieces embody our distinctiveness and values?" They settled on a bronze statue of ... Greta Thunberg. This leads me to believe their values include exploiting children to promote your political agenda. Shockingly, this is a college in Europe and NOT one in America. I'm actually surprised there isn't a monument to David Hogg on an American campus yet. Emphasis on yet. There's most likely one being commissioned right now ... by David Hogg.

Greta is a young woman who, in spite of difficulties in her life, has become a world leading environmental activist. As the University for sustainability and social justice we are proud to honour this inspirational woman in this way.

Yes, her difficulties in life EXACERBATED BY GROWN-ASS ADULTS EXPLOITING HER FOR THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA. This is like the Nike School of Acceptance putting a statue of a nine-year-old child laborer outside their economic pavilion to symbolize their business model. Or, since it's Nike, an actual nine-year-old so that they don't have to stop working on the new Yeezys.

Greta Thunberg is a "world leader" because adults who should know better are putting her out there to promote their agenda for them. That way if you disagree with the agenda, they can say their opponents are picking on the child, and therefore anyone else who also disagrees with the agenda also picks on children. Doesn't make any logical sense, but these are leftist social activists.

from Steven Crowder Says

AOC Finally Comments on Border, Manages to Work 'White Supremacy' into It

AOC Finally Comments on Border, Manages to Work 'White Supremacy' into It
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 10:46AM

It took her a while, but Congresswoman AOC finally chimed in on the border crisis. Those of you old enough to remember 2019 know how chatty she was the last time there was a "kids in cages" brouhaha. That was when Rep. AOC — an American elected official — accused Americans of running concentration camps along the border. She also took part in a Glamour Shots photo shoot outside a parking lot in Texas. Though, independent "fact" checkers claim that while she was "crying" outside a parking lot somewhere in Texas, she was able to see a detention center. Oh, and when offered a tour of the actual facilities she was having a hissy fit over, she allegedly said no.

But all that stuff was all, like, totally 2019. Things were more Trumpy then. Let's see what Rep. AOC has to say about Joe Biden's Kids in Cages reboot. Rep. AOC addressed her stans on Tuesday night.

They wanna say what about the surge? Anyone who's using the term "surge" around you is trying to invoke a militaristic frame, and that's a problem. Because this is not a surge. These are children.

Yes, a surge of them.

They are not insurgents and we are not being invaded. Which, by the way, is a white supremacist idea that if an other is coming into the population, that this is like an invasion.

She's so silly.

"White supremacist" I'm guessing is defined as anyone who has a different opinion from a Democrat on anything for any reason whatsoever. Which in this instance means a sensible immigration policy that ISN'T seeing a massive increase in illegal crossings from Donald Trump's forty-five-year low. Which, considering Joe Biden sounds like he realizes he f*cked up and wants to re-institute one of Trump's policies, does that make Biden a white supremacist? White supremacist-ish? White supremacy-adjacent? The proper buzzword is still being market-tested.

There is a serious debate to be had about the border crisis and how to address it. Serious elected officials dealing with serious problems. Rep. AOC isn't one of them.

from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: Crowder vs. YouTube: Time to Fight Like Hell!

SHOW NOTES: Crowder vs. YouTube: Time to Fight Like Hell!
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 08:49AM

We always knew Big Tech had a target on our backs, and now they've taken their shot. Do we fall like so many others, or do we stand in defiance and fight like hell? Today, Steven Crowder livestreams his show completely free from Big Tech. This is not an average day. This is not an average show. Battle lines have been drawn.

We are currently BANNED from YouTube. To watch today's episode, watch for free on our LIVE SHOW LINK! Use promo code: FIGHTLIKEHELL for $20 off Mug Club!


  • On Monday, our channel was demonetized, and we are suspended from livestreaming, posting, and uploading for a week.

  • The video that earned us the strike was about former Clinton staffer Christina Gupana and her address in the Clark County voter rolls changing overnight following our broadcast.
  • It was taken down because YouTube said it violated its Presidential Election Integrity Policy. SOURCE: YouTube Guidelines
  • We didn't mention anything pertaining to:
    • MASS voter fraud
    • Claiming Trump actually won
    • Fraud affecting the outcome of the election
  • One policy YouTube is being clear about is hiding dislikes. SOURCE: Twitter
  • It's no wonder the White House wants this. SOURCE: Twitter


  • Last week, Georgia passed a bill to clean up its elections. One of the most prominent claims from the Left about this bill is that it criminalizes giving voters water in line. SOURCE: NowThis
  • This isn't true. The law prohibits soliciting votes by giving out water, food, T-shirts, etc. But nothing prevents poll workers from putting water out for voters to take: "This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from distributing materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted or from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." SOURCE: Legislative Text
  • The bill permits registrars to extend advance voting to 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
  • The new Georgia bill requires ID for absentee voting and tightens rules for drop boxes and absentee requests.
  • That has resulted in Democrats calling it racist. SOURCES: MSNBC, CNN
  • A popular 2017 study by University of California San Diego and Bucknell professors claimed voter ID laws disproportionately affect the poor, which means minorities! SOURCES: Washington Post, University of Chicago Press
    • The study was debunked by Stanford, the Government Accountability Office, and even Vox. SOURCES: Vox, Stanford, GAO.
      • The study was not based on actual voting data, but on national surveys.
      • It also failed to control for other variables that could impact turnout, such as including states in their first year of voter ID laws, skewing the data of voter ID laws overall.
      • When follow-up researchers from Stanford fixed these errors and reran the results, they found: "The effect for whites is positive, but only statistically significant in primaries. The effect for Latinos is sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and generally not significant." SOURCE: Stanford
    • Poor people don't have an issue getting an ID.
      • In many states, the cost of a non-driver ID is as low as $4, and driver's licenses are as cheap as $14.50. SOURCES: GAO, DMV.NY
      • In 12 states and Washington, D.C., voter ID is free if you're a senior citizen, disabled, or low-income. SOURCE: Philadelphia Inquirer
      • Some states, like Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Carolina even offer free ID. SOURCES, Philadelphia Inquirer
      • Even in California and New York, ID is needed to get on welfare. SOURCES:,
    • Driver's licenses are not currently the only acceptable form of ID.
      • Texas and Florida both have voter ID laws.
      • Other acceptable forms of ID in Florida and Texas include a state ID card, passport, credit card, Social Security card ... any form of government-recognized ID. SOURCES:, TexasSOS
    • Even homeless people can get an ID with a letter from a homeless shelter and proof of citizenship. SOURCE: Legal Beagle
    • So what they really mean when they say these laws are racist is in the fine print: "Other policies, however, disproportionately target Latinos. Many states have strict voter identification laws that require a form of government-issued identification for voting. Supporters of these laws often argue they're needed to prevent "illegal" voting. Sometimes, this is used as a code for suppressing Latino votes without actually mentioning Latinos." SOURCE: Washington Post


  • Yesterday, two witnesses in the Chauvin trial were a 9-year-old and her 18-year-old cousin, Darnella. SOURCE: ABC News
  • Another witness was this MMA fighter, Donald Wynn Williams II. SOURCE: Twitter
    • Donald is a professional MMA fighter in Minnesota. His fight name is Dwill II. SOURCE: Sherdog
    • Most of Donald's wins were at Seconds Out/Vivid MMA, but he did win one match at Extreme Cagefighting Organization as an amateur.
    • His record is 5 wins, 6 losses from 2011 to 2019. 1 was a KO and the other 4 were decisions.

from Steven Crowder Says

Screw YouTube! Watch Louder with Crowder LIVE HERE!

Screw YouTube! Watch Louder with Crowder LIVE HERE!
Courtney Kirchoff - March 31, 2021 at 08:32AM

Screw Big Tech. It's time to fight like hell. Go to to watch NOW

from Steven Crowder Says

Infrastructure Week: Joe Biden Announces Plan Including Massive Tax Hikes

Infrastructure Week: Joe Biden Announces Plan Including Massive Tax Hikes
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 07:49AM

Hide your wallets, because Joe Biden is announcing his infrastructure plan this week. Two trillion dollars over ten years. CNN is calling it a "window into Biden's soul" and says "unchained capitalism has seemed so threatened." That should tell you all you need to know, but please read on anyway.

Unlike Joe Biden's stimulus plan — the one that polled well because American's didn't realize their $1,400 checks were actually costing them over five grand — instead of exploding the deficit, Biden plans to fund this with massive tax increases. His "Made in America" tax plan. Where increasing taxes on people who create the jobs is going to help the government create jobs instead.

Some highlights:

- Increasing corporate taxes from 21% to 28% after Donald Trump lowered them to 21%. Donald Trump lowered taxes, creating the greatest job numbers of our lives. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes to create government jobs. What happens to the other jobs created thanks to the tax cut is unclear. Though anyone who isn't half an imbecile can guess.

- Discouraging firms from listing tax havens as their addresses, which will be interesting to accomplish after a tax hike makes it an enticing thing to do.

- Increasing the individual tax rate to $400,000. Though that's if you file jointly. Theoretically, the tax hike could hit individuals making at least $200,000.

Thankfully missing from the plan is the idea of a mileage tax. That trial balloon popped in mid-flight as soon as the Biden administration floated it. But the fact that the idea is even in their heads is angering enough.

I anticipate the plan will poll well among Americans. Plans that cost a lot of money that you're told other people are stuck paying for tend to be popular. It won't be until after the bill is signed into law — once goods and services are made more expensive, work hours are cut, and non-government jobs are lost — when people realize how much Biden's latest scheme actually costs.

from Steven Crowder Says

Six-Month-Old Thrown into Rio Grande by Smugglers, Saved by Brave Border Patrol Agent

Six-Month-Old Thrown into Rio Grande by Smugglers, Saved by Brave Border Patrol Agent
Brodigan - March 31, 2021 at 07:08AM

Earlier this month, Reuters reported, "Gangs are diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will 'incentivize migration.' " The measures are Joe Biden's amnesty plans that have created a border crisis. Or, an "alleged" border crisis since the Associated Press says we can't call it that. And one of those "diversified methods of smuggling"? Throwing a six-month-old into the Rio Grande to evade Border Patrol.

On 03/16/21, this specialized group assisted U.S. #BorderPatrol in Roma with a 6mo female child who had been thrown out of a raft and into the Rio Grande River by smugglers. The child's mother had been assaulted by smugglers in Mexico resulting in a broken leg.

According to local news reports, the mother had paid the smugglers $3,500 to sneak her and her baby across the border. At one point, the smugglers broke the mother's leg. Senator Ted Cruz had visited the border with other senators and witnessed other smugglers firsthand in this shocking video.

We have been listening to and seeing cartel members. Human traffickers, right on the other side of the river. Waving flashlights. Yelling and taunting Americans. Taunting the Border Patrol. Because they know that under the current policy of the Biden administration, they can flood over here. They're getting paid $4,000-$5,000 a person to smuggle them into this country. And our policy when they smuggle them in, the Biden administration releases them.

Kamala Harris has been assigned by Joe Biden to fix the border problems created by the Biden-Harris administration. The president has already hinted at a return to Donald Trump's policies, when illegal crossings were at a forty-five-year low.

The mother and baby are both reported to be safe.

from Steven Crowder Says

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Psaki Gets Called Out Over In-Person Learning for Migrants Before Schools Reopen in California

Psaki Gets Called Out Over In-Person Learning for Migrants Before Schools Reopen in California
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 02:00PM

Earlier today, it was reported that some San Diego teachers have gone back to in-person teaching. No, not any of the 130,000 or so students in the San Diego United School District. It's only the migrant children who are in the country illegally. Those 130,000 who have been locked out of their schools for over a year still have to wait a few more weeks. White House Bride of Chucky Stand-In Jen Psaki was asked about this at today's press brefing. What follows is a video and a loose transcript of what I heard.

I've been banned from YouTube. Beware #Adpocalypse2...

Need a quick laugh? Check out and subscribe to our CrowderBits YouTube channel for Louder with Crowder skits, opens, and parody videos!

from Steven Crowder Says

Kamala Harris Gets Case of the Giggles While Discussing Parents Struggling During Pandemic

Kamala Harris Gets Case of the Giggles While Discussing Parents Struggling During Pandemic
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 11:08AM

Kamala Harris would make a horrible poker player. Her tell is uncontrollable laughter. It's how you know she' either lying, doesn't know what she's talking about, hiding something, or just full of fecal matter. Visit the border where her administration caused a crisis? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Deny being a socialist? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! But she might want to calm herself down when discussing hardships parents have gone through during the pandemic.

Vice President Harris visited the West Haven child care center. That's in Connecticut, a little over 2,000 miles from the border crisis Joe Biden asked her to fix for him. She started to close her speech with this:

I believe in that, that saying that in every crisis, there is an opportunity if we see it for what it is.

Kind of like a "great reset"? I would never call it that because I'd be called a conspiracy theorist. Candian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might call it that like it was the plan all along. But I would never say that.

Here's where Harris got an uncontrollable case of the gigs.

The opportunity is, more people are seeing that, yeah, affordable child care is a big deal. More parents are seeing the value of educators when they had to bring their kids and say we're not paying them nearly enough ... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Riiiiiiight. That's what parents are saying. Parents are struggling to juggle having to work and/or make ends meet while homeschooling their children. Parents are being lectured by school boards that they don't care about their kids' lives. Their kids' teachers are refusing to go back to in-person teaching because their unions tell them they don't have to. Not only are teachers still getting paid for not doing their jobs, but they're getting paid with these parents' taxes. And the one thing parents think is, "Golly, these teachers aren't getting paid enough."

Go laugh about it while discussing the pandemic with this parent and others like him. Tell them how their struggles and the government lockdowns are a "great opportunity" for more government control. Have that conversation with any parent who isn't a political activist.

It's unclear what Harris is laughing at. Maybe she was remembering the time Biden shart himself in the Oval Office and tried blaming it on one of the dogs. Whatever funny thing popped into her mind, she needs to learn some self-control.

from Steven Crowder Says

YouTube Issues Hard Strike, Demonetizes and Temporarily Bans Steven Crowder

YouTube Issues Hard Strike, Demonetizes and Temporarily Bans Steven Crowder
Courtney Kirchoff - March 30, 2021 at 08:45AM

This is one battle cry we've issued for years. Big Tech put a target on our backs long ago, and it wasn't just for show. On Monday, YouTube issued a hard strike on our main channel saying our Nevada voter fraud video titled "HUGE: Nevada Voter Mysteries Deepen!" which YouTube has since removed, violated their spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. Then in a separate email, they informed us that "During a recent review, our team of policy specialists carefully looked over the videos you've uploaded to your channel StevenCrowder. We found that a significant portion of your channel is not in line with our monetization policies."

Yes, they demonetized our channel. Well, channels, plural. Even CrowderBits got hit with demonetization. They informed us of that in a third email to our counsel, Bill Richmond. It was in this third email they informed us that during the next week, we would not be able to upload content or post to our main YouTube channel.

Oh, and Twitter has suspended the @scrowder account without giving a reason, for the fourth time in a bout a month. It almost feels coordinated. See also Twitter Suspends Steven Crowder's Account AGAIN and YouTube AGE-RESTRICTED Crowder?! War Against Big Tech Heats Up.

In an email to Bill Richmond, YouTube also cited advertiser pressure:

"Unfortunately, in recent months the Steven Crowder channel has incurred two violations identified to date of our Community Guidelines and repeated violations of our monetization policies, including those related to misinformation and incendiary and demeaning content. We have also recently received renewed advertiser criticism about content on the Steven Crowder channel. We have a responsibility to ensure that our community is safe for creators, viewers, and advertisers."

What are we doing next? We're still posting content to BlazeTV. For years we've talked about the reality of Big Tech's powers. Well here is evidence of it. We were not blowing smoke. It wasn't a ploy to sell mugs. The threat was always real and here it is, attacking us. If you're not a Mug Club subscriber, then you're watching us on YouTube. Which you cannot do for the next week, and it's hard to know how much longer after that. Get on the right side of this battle and subscribe.

We'll also continue uploading podcasts for as long as we're able. Understand that it is through Mug Club where we can say what we want without fear or cancelation. If you want to send a message to Big Tech, if you want to support free speech, Mug Club is the answer. We've heralded this cry for years.

No, we're not done facing off against YouTube. But let's be honest, they've been gunning for conservatives for a long time. They're Goliath with billions of dollars. We're not the first creator they've aimed to take out, nor will we be the last. Make no mistake, the real enemy they're hoping to destroy is you. You're not allowed to hear views that fall outside the permitted leftist dogma. You're not allowed to laugh at non-PC jokes. You're not allowed to hear alternative points about the election, COVID, or how many genders there really are. Steven Crowder may be the one locked in their sights. But you're the real target.

We can't fight this one alone. Will you stand with us? Or will you carry on with what's comfortable and easy?

Sign up for our newsletter. Follow Steven on Instagram.

from Steven Crowder Says

CNN's Jim Acosta Gets COVID Shot Wearing Shirt Celebrating Himself Because He's That Big a Douche

CNN's Jim Acosta Gets COVID Shot Wearing Shirt Celebrating Himself Because He's That Big a Douche
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 08:41AM

I'm in favor of getting the COVID vaccine. Let me say that louder for the Facebook algorithm writers and "fact" checkers in the back. I am PRO-vaccine. Yay Fauci ouchie! But while the vaccine is bae, the virtue-signaling douchebaggery of your social media photos getting the vaccine are tiresome. You did what the government told you and got a shot. What do you want, a cookie? Because if they aren't giving them out at the vaccine dispensary, I'm not giving you one. And when it comes to glass ceiling-shattering douchiness, few people have the panache that CNN's Jim Acosta does.

For the past four years, we've heard Acosta whine about how everyone hates him. He's a freedom fighter speaking truth to power, and all he gets for it is the constant reminder that he is a failure of a man who sucks at life. Acosta found a way to respond to his haters during his vaccine tweet. He got his Fauci ouchie wearing a T-shirt that celebrates ... Jim Acosta.

Please don't have a beverage in your mouth when you read this next part. Having it squirt out your nose hurts a lot. Almost as much as having to listen to Jim Acosta.

In 2020, I covered the impeachment trial and caucus night (that lasted a week) & the primaries & the covid pandemic & the economic crash & the racial justice protests & Lafayette square & so many rallies ...

Still with me?

... the death of RBG & the president's 1AM coronavirus diagnosis & a supreme court confirmation hearing & an election night (that lasted a week) & firings by tweets & the recounts & the presidential transition & I have the commemorative shirt to prove it.

It's not the virtue-signaling on Twitter. It's not the post of him getting a needle in his arm. It's not even wearing a T-shirt celebrating the fact that you do your job for a living. It's that you know that Jim Acosta 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, without question had that T-shirt made himself. Whether or not he had it made for this photo or to give himself a Christmas present, that is unclear. But no one in his life actually made that T-shirt for him. I don't care if he claims otherwise. I don't believe him. Jim Acosta woke up one morning and said to himself, "Self, I don't look like enough of a douche today. What I need is a T-shirt reminding me how awesome I think I am." And that's the shirt he came up with.

Somewhere in the CNN cafeteria, Brian Stelter is walking up to Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon arm-wrestling each other, showing them this tweet, and saying, "At least we don't suck this bad."

from Steven Crowder Says

California Public School Teachers Return to In-Person Teaching, but Only for Illegal Immigrants

California Public School Teachers Return to In-Person Teaching, but Only for Illegal Immigrants
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 07:47AM

Over a year after fifteen days to flatten the curve, there are still school districts in this country that aren't doing in-person teaching. Meltdowns from frustrated parents are common. Depression and suicide in students are the pandemic we aren't allowed to talk about. But the teachers' unions viewed this as an opportunity to hold parents hostage until their demands are met (allegedly) and regularly claim it's not safe for them to teach in person. They're also aided by a president who is bought and paid for by the teachers' unions. Again, allegedly.

San Diego is one of those districts, but teachers are starting to teach students in person again! No, not San Diego students, but illegal immigrants who are here as part of Joe Biden's border crisis. If there is a better example of the disconnect between the far left and the American people over immigration, I can't think of one. Per Fox News:

"We have 130,000 kids who haven't been allowed in a classroom for over a year in the San Diego United School District. It's great that there's in-person learning for those unaccompanied minors from Central America, but I wish every child in San Diego Country was allowed the same opportunity for in-person teaching," San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond told Fox News.

"The system is broken when San Diego teachers are teaching migrant children in person, but the 100k students of taxpaying families at San Diego Unified School District are stuck learning in Zoom school," Emily Diaz, an SDUSD parent, told Fox News in an email.

Diaz went on to ask why taxpaying students are put last. My guess is because it's a public school and putting taxpayers last is what school districts do.

A SDUSD confirmed to Fox News that information was shared "about the opportunity for teachers to volunteer teaching migrant children in person," and there is no word if they were getting paid or not. The problem isn't whether the teachers are getting paid, though it would be more of a problem if they were.

The problem is all the times parents are told their kids can't return to school because it's not safe for teachers with the coronavirus running wild like it's Hulkamania in the '80s. Teachers can't risk catching the 'rona in a classroom, doing their job that your tax dollars are paying for. But they can risk the virus teaching migrants? The coronavirus is a remarkable illness. It knows not to infect you if you're doing things for the "right" political reasons.

Let me be clear. I have no issue with anyone volunteering to help out with what's turning into a humanitarian crisis (of Joe Biden's own doing). But volunteering for in-person teaching at detention centers when you've been claiming for a year you're "afraid" to do so in schools, you're full of sh!t and need to be called out on it. You also need to go back to teaching kids in person or lose your job.

from Steven Crowder Says

Former Democrat Senator Lashes Out, Calls Gina Carano 'Nazi,' 'White Supremacist'

Former Democrat Senator Lashes Out, Calls Gina Carano 'Nazi,' 'White Supremacist'
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 07:04AM

There needs to be "consequence culture" for grown-ass adults who call people Nazis. "Consequence culture" is what woke leftist schmucks call cancel culture. They aren't "canceling" you because you tweeted the wrong thing on Twitter when you were a teenager. They're giving you consequences for it. You need to be accountable for any joke you made in the past based on 2021's oversensitivity. Their logic is literally that retarded. Meanwhile, former Democrat senators like Heidi Heitkamp get to call people racist with impunity. Because she knows there are no consequences for it. Because she's a Democrat.

Heidi Heitkamp was on Bill Maher's show talking about cancel culture when Gina Carano came up. We all know Gina. The woke leftist schmucks tried to strike her down, but she grew to become more powerful than they possibly imagined. Though according to Heidi, Gina's a Nazi.

She was a nazi.

She is involved with white supremacy.

She hangs with white supremacists.

At best, Heidi thought she was being funny, pandering to a leftist crowd and failing miserably at it. At worst, she's an obnoxious biyatch. She seems like the kind of person who thinks her barista is a nazi too for spelling her name wrong on her latte. There's probably a support group of managers she's asked to speak to.

Assclowns like Heidi Krumplesnatch are never challenged on anything. "How is Gina Carano a Nazi?" "What 'white supremacists' does she hang out with?" Ten bucks says the only name Heidi can come up with is Ben Shapiro. Yes, the same Ben Shapiro celebrating Passover this week. He'd be the white supremacist because "white supremacist" is what we call anyone who has a different opinion from a Democrat.

Gina responded, saying "Here we have more of the dehumanizing phase of cancel culture. ... False, disturbing & disgusting language coming from a former US Senator. You knew as soon as you said it you were liable."

If I were Carano, I'd sue her for defamation. She'd find a ton of lawyers willing to work pro bono. Make an example of Heitkamp and make her feel some financial pain. These leftist dickheads need to start feeling some consequences of their own.

Also, between "Carano" and "Heitkamp," only one of you has a German-sounding last name.

from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, March 29, 2021

Former Pro Wrestler Announces Congressional Campaign by Riding a Bull Named 'Nancy Pelosi'

Former Pro Wrestler Announces Congressional Campaign by Riding a Bull Named 'Nancy Pelosi'
Brodigan - March 29, 2021 at 02:00PM

I take back everything I've said about Dan Crenshaw and his forays into the Crenshaw Cinematic Universe. What you are about to see is the greatest campaign ad of all time. Meet Dan Rodimer. He's one of close to 20 people running in the open Texas 6th Congressional District race. This video has everything you could ever want in a political announcement. Pro wrestling. A giant pile of poop. And a bull that is allegedly named "Nancy Pelosi." It's a beast.

Did Derek Chauvin Follow Police Protocol? | Louder With Crowder

Need a quick laugh? Check out and subscribe to our CrowderBits YouTube channel for Louder with Crowder skits, opens, and parody videos!

from Steven Crowder Says

Ilhan Omar Tries Defending Joe Biden on Border Crisis, Accidentally Admits It's His Fault?

Ilhan Omar Tries Defending Joe Biden on Border Crisis, Accidentally Admits It's His Fault?
Brodigan - March 29, 2021 at 12:47PM

When in doubt, blame Donald Trump. That's modus operandi for the Democrat Party. Nancy Pelosi made that clear when she said the crisis on the border, while not a crisis, is totally Donald Trump's fault anyway. Rep. Ilhan Omar tried spinning it as Donald Trump's fault as well. But she accidentally pointed out that what's happening now is because of Biden's policies.

Lunatic Ilhan Omar's Delusional Attack on Christians | Louder With Crowder

Need a quick laugh? Check out and subscribe to our CrowderBits YouTube channel for Louder with Crowder skits, opens, and parody videos!

from Steven Crowder Says