Thursday, November 5, 2020

'Would your opinion of Trump change if he condemns Nazis?'

'Would your opinion of Trump change if he condemns Nazis?'
Tarah Price - November 03, 2020 at 02:42PM

In this clip, Steven Crowder went undercover to ask Leftists if their views of President Trump would change if he would unequivocally denounce Nazis and white supremacy.

"Do you think Trump has done enough to denounce white supremacy?" Crowder asked. He proceeded to play nine minutes of video that showed Trump unequivocally denouncing white supremacy.

Here's how they responded. Watch the clip.

Anything else?
When put into context, Trump's statement revealed a much different narrative than what was reported across left-leaning news outlets. Here is the full transcript from the news conference on Aug. 15, 2017.

from Steven Crowder Says