Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Announces New Tyrannical Shutdown, This Time Including Your Own Home

Andrew Cuomo Announces New Tyrannical Shutdown, This Time Including Your Own Home
Brodigan - November 11, 2020 at 01:25PM

You gotta be f*cking sh*ting me with this. New York Governor Chris' Idiot Brother is back at it with his tyrannical shutdowns (see THESE TWO IMAGES PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATE ANDREW CUOMO FLAGRANT COVID-19 HYPOCRISY and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19). With 'rona allegedly on the rise again, Andy is leaping into action. No, not at the giant leftist superspreading events that have been taking place since last Tuesday. Everyone one knows you can't catch COVID if you are a Democrat and hate Donald Trump. No, the villains in Cuomo's eyes are bars, gyms, and restaurants. All of which starting Friday need to shutdown every night by 10:00 PM.

Oh, and those of you who think you have a right to do what you want in your own home might want to sit down for this one. You're being shutdown too.

To be clear, celebrating Joe Biden being called president-elect by the media? Totally okay. Rioting in midtown? No COVID there. A Black Trans Lives Matter rally some claim 100,000 people were superspreading at? How beautiful and brave of them!

The problem is YOU if you have eleven people in your house for karaoke or charades. And if you think this is going to be the only new shutdown regulations from this assclown, let's meet back here in a week when restaurants are told they can only open at 25% capacity again.

Time to get angry, people. Let's not make the same mistake we made back in March.

from Steven Crowder Says