Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Florida Governor Proposes New Law Making It Legal to Shoot Looters, Threatening Mobs

Florida Governor Proposes New Law Making It Legal to Shoot Looters, Threatening Mobs
Brodigan - November 11, 2020 at 08:34AM

Please allow me to presuppose that Donald Trump did in fact lose this year. Just for sake of argument, because there are already a number of names being discussed to maybe, possibly, in theory consider a run for president in 2024. One of those names is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who prior to COVID had an insane approval rating among Floridians. Even now, I believe he's still over 50% and climbing. If DeSantis is in fact thinking of maybe, possibly, in theory running for president, this latest legislative move will make campaigning very interesting.

DeSantis saw the riots, looting, and violent protests over this past year (see BUSINESS OWNER AFTER SETTING HIS BUSINESS ON FIRE and REPORTER VIOLENTLY ASSAULTED BY BLM LOOTERS AND RIOTERS). He saw innocent victims have their lives and livelihoods destroyed. DeSantis' solution? Expanded Florida's stand your ground laws to make it legal to shoot looters and rioters.

The legislation is an attempt to prevent "violent and disorderly assemblies" by permitting violence against anyone involved in the "interruption or impairment" of a business, reportedly described in the draft as being a burglary within 500 feet of "violent or disorderly assembly."

The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony. The law would also reportedly grant immunity to drivers who unintentionally kill or injure protesters who were blocking traffic.

Oh, and if a local government votes to withhold money from police, Florida will withhold money from the local governments. If I were him, I'd call it the MAGA Deez Nuts Act.

Some are calling this an endorsement of vigilantism, but if I were to guess, it's the same people who call riots "peaceful protest." What DeSantis is trying to do with this legislation is increase citizens' rights to self-defense. Sure, the Second Amendment does that to begin with, but things can get dicey in the court system. They get dicier when the media tends to ignore the people causing the violence, then wants to try people who defend themselves in the court of public opinion.

Obviously, such an expansion of the law is going to require tons of debate, and the text of the law needs to be scrutinized. I anticipate the internet being fun once it does.

from Steven Crowder Says