Thursday, November 12, 2020

BREAKING: Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Trump’s Favor, States Certain Ballots Should Not Be Counted

BREAKING: Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Trump’s Favor, States Certain Ballots Should Not Be Counted
Brodigan - November 12, 2020 at 01:45PM

While Joe Biden is the projected president-elect, nothing is official until the vote totals are certified. Which means as long as there are examples on top of example of irregularities and other shadiness, it's in the hands of the lawyers. Especially in Pennsylvania (see REPORT: PENNSYLVANIA BALLOTS ALLEGEDLY FOUND IN TRASH, ELECTION OFFICIAL CONFRONTED and USPS WHISTLEBLOWER GOES PUBLIC, CONFIRMS INVESTIGATION ON ALLEGED POTENTIAL MAIL-IN BALLOT FRAUD). A PA judge just ruled in the Trump Campaign's favor, basically saying that at least a certain group of votes should NOT be counted.

State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification.
Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day.

Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled that the SOS did not have the authority to extend it that extra three days. So any votes from that bucket from those days should not be counted against the Pennsylvania total. Or, at least not be counted at this time.

How many votes that is, I have no idea. I doubt it would be near enough to flip the state to Trump. But a win is a win is a win, and there are multiple cases going on. Win another case, that's two in a row. With a third and forth case, and suddenly the Associated Press needs to take back their projection that Biden won the state.

It's still an uphill battle. But it's a battle that isn't over yet.

from Steven Crowder Says