Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Joe Biden Goes Public, Wants to Limit Who You Can Have for Thanksgiving

Joe Biden Goes Public, Wants to Limit Who You Can Have for Thanksgiving
Brodigan - November 18, 2020 at 11:56AM

Joe Biden said if he was elected president, he's would "listen to the science." That was called into question this past week, when one of the scientists Joe Biden chose for his COVID panel opened his facehole about shutting down the country. Again (see BIDEN'S COVID ADVISOR THINKS A 4 TO 6 WEEK NATIONAL LOCKDOWN IS AN AWESOME IDEA and BIDEN SPOKESPERSON REFUSES TO ANSWER IF BIDEN SUPPORTS ADVISOR'S 4 TO 6 WEEK NATIONAL LOCKDOWN). Wonder no more, because Joe Biden signaled he's going to go along with whatever he's told, this time by instructing YOU on how many people YOU can have over for Thanksgiving.

There should be no group more than 10 people in one room inside the home. That's what they're telling me.

They who? I ask so I understand that for I send a 15-pound turkey to "their" homes with detailed instructions on how insert said bird up "their" rectums. Either that, or fly a helicopter over "their" home, and if I count eleven or more people, drop live turkeys on it. But the Zoomers at Facebook might consider that a threat and not an obvious WKRP in Cincinnati reference.

Here's my question. When "they" told Joe Biden no more than ten people, did he ask why? Is there science that says eleven is too much and it's not just an arbitrary number being thrown around? Because it feels like it's just an arbitrary number rolling around. Just like it feels arbitrary to blame restaurants and bars for the new COVID "spike" and not the so-called super-spreading events where people were doing the electric side and the chicken dance in Joe Biden's honor.

I know Fauci wants us to shut up and do what we're told, another expert our alleged president-elect says he's going to listen to. Most of us made the mistake of doing that back in March when were were told two weeks to flatten the curve. We hung in there when were were told that all we needed was a vaccine to get back to normal. It's now been two weeks plus EIGHT MONTHS and even with two potential vaccines, we're told we might never get back to normal by the people from whom Joe Biden indicated he'll take advice.

As far as no more than ten people over for the holidays, that's a big no from me and an even bigger GFY.

from Steven Crowder Says