Monday, November 2, 2020

Trump Destroys Biden’s Decades of Lying to Americans, Using Biden’s Own Words

Trump Destroys Biden’s Decades of Lying to Americans, Using Biden’s Own Words
Brodigan - November 02, 2020 at 08:01AM

Donald Trump spent the weekend doing what Donald Trump does: Criss-crossing the battleground states, giving rallies, and dunking on all the haters and losers. One specific hater and loser getting the brunt of it is Joe Biden (see BIDEN CLAIMS TRUMP "WAVED THE WHITE FLAG ON VIRUS." TRUMP'S RESPONSE IS SAVAGE and DONALD TRUMP'S BEST THUG LIFE MOMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE). It's one thing to claim your opponent is a liar and has shared ideas that are horrible for the American people. All candidates do that. But Donald Trump is extra. He says don't just take his word for it; listen to Joe Biden himself.

Honestly, playing montages of all the horrible things your opponent has said on a giant TrumpTron 3000, from a campaigning standpoint, is a brilliant move. Sure, you could assume that most people at a Trump rally had their minds made up four years ago. But I'm sure there's still a decent number of people who go just to see what's up. If those people see the video, then go back to tell their Biden-supporting friends what he's really about, it could be a game-changer.

That's the best-case scenario. Worst-case scenario, it's at least fun for us to watch!

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