Friday, November 13, 2020

Biden Spokesperson Refuses to Answer if Biden Supports Advisor's 4 to 6 Week National Lockdown

Biden Spokesperson Refuses to Answer if Biden Supports Advisor's 4 to 6 Week National Lockdown
Brodigan - November 13, 2020 at 07:46AM

Most of the right's attention is on the presidential race and all its alleged irregularities. Keep that energy, but allow a part of your brain to consider Joe Biden might be president-elect. In less than a week, the policies he's floated are terrifying. During his campaign, Biden said he would listen to the experts and shut down the government over COVID if a scientist told him to. A scientist on his COVID panel of experts came out THIS WEEK to suggest a 4 to 6 week national lockdown. Which if that isn't a horrible enough idea, he also suggests the government borrow money to pay everyone in America unable to work.

The obvious question: is if this is something president-elect Biden might actually consider? An obvious question the Biden spokesperson refuses to answer.

TAPPER: Does Joe Biden support what the expert Joe Biden named to his COVID panel of experts said?
SPOX: Masks.
TAPPER: Yes, I understand. But I'm asking specifically about the 4 to 6 week national lockdown. Does the president-elect...
SPOX: Maaaaasks?
TAPPER: That's not my question.
SPOX: M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Masks. Masks masks masks, masks masks.

People mocked Donald Trump for "not listening to the experts," but when all the experts seem to say you should stay in your house, quivering in fear, there's a good reason to ignore them. Also, the plan is to shutdown for "4 to 6 weeks" to eliminate the virus, while the government pays your lost income. What happens when "4 to 6 weeks" goes the same way of "15 days to flatten the curve"? Another shutdown has begun in New York, with Cuomo claiming you are allowed ten people in your house. Though for some reason, you are allowed as many people as you want outside your house if they're "super-spreading" to celebrate Joe Biden.

We still need an answer about ballots in Pennsylvania and Georgia. However, that isn't the only thing for which we need answers. The ideas from the Biden camp are already terrible less than a week after the media called him president-elect. Keep an eye on that too.

from Steven Crowder Says