Thursday, November 5, 2020

Louder with Crowder Election Live Streams Raked in MILLIONS of Views. Look Out, Mainstream Media...

Louder with Crowder Election Live Streams Raked in MILLIONS of Views. Look Out, Mainstream Media...
Courtney Kirchoff - November 05, 2020 at 02:09PM

It's been an incredible couple of days, not just for the nation, but for conservative media. Specifically Louder with Crowder. As of the publication of this post, our two election live streams have garnered a cumulative 12.8 million views on YouTube. That's what we'd call statistically significant. On Tuesday night, our peak concurrent view count was 517k before the stream got cut due to an issue with Facebook (we're not entirely certain what happened there, but we know the issue stemmed from our stream to Facebook, which took down the others). If you're curious for our thoughts about Facebook, they're not favorable. Read more about that here.

When 3 am rolled around Wednesday morning, with the election still not called for Biden or Trump, we all huddled around discussing what we wanted to do. All of us were ready to carry on, but we decided to get some sleep before making the next streaming call. But when election news took a turn while we were all trying to rest, we decided to get back on the stream to talk with all of you, knowing how we felt was likely how you were: unsettled, uncertain, looking for answers which were not there, but wanting someone to talk to about it just to feel sane.

That's likely what made such a difference between our stream and mainstream media's. According to the writeup from our tumbler-shilling friends at The Daily Wire:

Crowder's stream online beat out MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and managed to do it while being restrained by YouTube as "borderline content." The video platform, which is owned by Google, has taken steps in recent years to elevate "authoritative" and more established voices on its website while reducing the reach of others — big tech censorship that has inspired many conservatives to join Crowder's Mug Club, "the only place for all of Crowder uncensored and on-demand."

We all monitored mainstream media's coverage, and what we saw was a lot of the same. Mainly different versions of "But how can Biden still win?!" with little concern for mail-in voting, the tightening grip Big Tech overlords have over communication, and no sense of humor or personality to be found.

What we proved in 24 hours was how increasingly irrelevant mainstream media is, and how much you, the audience, wants fresh analysis which isn't a recitation of DNC talking points. It would also appear you aren't a fan of news which pretends to be non-biased. Our streams had plenty of election news, sure, but we never pretended we didn't care about the outcome. We took a side, we shared our opinions with sometimes bracing honesty and heaping servings of snark at both newsmakers and each other.

In short, what we proved is how much you value authenticity. You're not getting authenticity (or much truth, it seems) from mainstream media. Win, lose, or draw, you'll always get it from us.

We can't thank you enough for your continued support, which was almost overwhelming. Our one ask for you to contact us about ballots and "sharpie-gate" resulted in thousands of responses in SECONDS.

We can't know what the next 24 hours will bring, but we will never forget the last 48. Mainstream media shouldn't either.

from Steven Crowder Says