Friday, November 20, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Produces Chart Proving She Has No Clue How Congress Works

Nancy Pelosi Produces Chart Proving She Has No Clue How Congress Works
Brodigan - November 20, 2020 at 04:17PM

Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Or she thinks everyone else — especially the media — are idiots. I'd say it's a little from column A and a little from column B. Democrats lost House seats under her watch. Her latest stunt to make excuses reeks of screaming "I'M NOT OWNED! YOU'RE OWNED!" See, 2020 was not a referendum on her leadership. Because House Democrats won the national popular vote.

Which has nothing to do with electing House members.

That's not how Congress works. There are 435 different territories in America. Each territory gets to vote for who they want to represent them in Congress. Not enough territories voted this year to flip the House. That much is true. But a shocking number of territories voted to give Nancy Pelosi a double middle finger, giving Crazy Nancy the slimmest majority in fifty years or so.

The "House popular vote" is not a thing. Nancy Pelosi can't put words before "popular vote" and claim it's proof she's not an unmitigated failure. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

Crazy lady, just take the L. Which isn't even an "L" since you are unfortunately still speaker of the House. You are only speaker with a new reminder of how many Americans think you're terrible. Deal with it. At least for two years before you get redistricted out of power, since Nancy Pelosi's party failed to flip any state legislatures this year as well.

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