Friday, November 13, 2020

Fauci Lets His Mask Slip, Flat Out Tells Americans "Do What You're Told"

Fauci Lets His Mask Slip, Flat Out Tells Americans "Do What You're Told"
Brodigan - November 13, 2020 at 08:18AM

This video may leave you speechless. But it shouldn't. Deep down, as much as some of us tried putting a positive spin on things, we knew who Anthony Fauci was (see TUCKER CARLSON OBLITERATES FAUCI FOR GIVING A SOCIAL DISTANCING PASS TO PROTESTERS and JOCKO AND JOE ROGAN UNLOAD ON FAUCI: WE WERE ALL LIED TO). With the obvious exception of my editor Courtney, who was vocal about it from the beginning. In short: he's a control freak. Keep reading, because in the video below, Dr. Fauci actually says "just do as you're told."

I'm a little shocked it took less than a week after the media named Joe Biden our president-elect for Fauci's mask to come off. His metaphorical mask. Not the piece of cloth "experts" forget to say you can't ever touch and need to clean at eleventy billion degrees in order for it to be in anyway effective. The video below is timestamped, but it comes in at 31:05 just in case the video doesn't play when it should.

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