Thursday, November 5, 2020

BLM Sends Message to Biden-Supporting Ally, Claims Being Peaceful Is 'White Supremacy'

BLM Sends Message to Biden-Supporting Ally, Claims Being Peaceful Is 'White Supremacy'
Brodigan - November 05, 2020 at 07:57AM

It's going to be months before people are able to fully analyze the data from election night. They're having a hard time counting votes as it is. But there is a belief one of the reasons it is so close is because of how much the constant rioting, looting, burning of buildings, toppling of statues, and other peace protesting turned people off from the Democrat Party. Not that these people were necessarily Biden supporters, but they sure as hell hated the right and we all hated them right back. Also, the Democrats are the ones giving them a big sloppy kiss in the first place.

Though as some Biden supporting allies are learning, their sloppy kiss and support of defunding the police and cherry-picking what black lives matter to them isn't enough. Of course this takes place in Portland (see REPORT: TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED WHILE PORTLAND RIOTERS CELEBRATE and WATCH AS PORTLAND ANTIFA THROWS A MOLOTOV COCKTAIL ... BUT ACCIDENTALLY SETS HIS COMRADE ON FIRE). Where Andy Ngo is a national treasure.

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