Monday, November 9, 2020

Chuck Schumer May Have Cost Democrats the Senate Majority Ranting About Georgia

Chuck Schumer May Have Cost Democrats the Senate Majority Ranting About Georgia
Brodigan - November 09, 2020 at 07:48AM

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the streets over the weekend, joining a super-spreading event celebrating the media calling the election for Chuck Schumer. Ironically enough, the same New York City streets where businesses are told they can't open, churches are told they can't sing, and Jewish children are told they can't play in parks (see REPORT: LOOKS LIKE NYC MIGHT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING COVID NATION-WIDE and NYC TAILOR OPENLY DEFYING THE LOCKDOWN IS SPEAKING OUT). Though in Schumer's defense, he was wearing a piece of science around his face, which I'm sure he never touched and regularly washed at extremely high temperatures.

The anti-science, anti-expert Democrat Party endorsed super-spreading events we'll get into later. Schumer's comments about the the Senate majority hanging in the balance is where I want to stay focused. Because Americans, outside the presidential race, which is still in dispute, voted overwhelmingly against the radical leftist agenda to change America. Apparently Chuckles didn't get the message.

Let's get wonky for minute. There were two Georgia Senate races last Tuesday. No one running in either of them got 50% of the vote, which in Georgia you need to be victorious. So now in January there will be two runoff races, and the party that sweeps them will control the Senate. The two Republican candidates got the highest share of the vote totals in the two races. The two Democrat candidates have a record supporting the anti-cop, anti-America, pro-socialism, pro-SJW agenda that the American people just rejected.

A rational person would advise the Democrats to dial it down a notch. Thankfully, Democrats led by Chuck Schumer (and Nancy Pelosi too, for that matter) are not rational people and will just quadruple down on the crazy. Sit back and enjoy the chaos!

from Steven Crowder Says