Thursday, November 5, 2020

Report: Michigan Postal Worker Alleges Potential Mail-In Ballot Fraud

Report: Michigan Postal Worker Alleges Potential Mail-In Ballot Fraud
Brodigan - November 05, 2020 at 09:11AM

Let me start by saying there are a lot of "allegedlys" and "reportedlys" here. It's also not as in-depth as most of Project Veritas' usual exposes (see PROJECT VERITAS RELEASES CHILLING UNDERCOVER EXPOSÉ OF VOTER FRAUD IN TEXAS and PROJECT VERITAS NEWEST VIDEO EXPOSES ALARMING VOTER FRAUD TO ELECT JOE BIDEN). But there were two key areas of concern this year for potential voter fraud: the lack of security in how we handle ballots, and the lack of security in how we handle the mail. This reportedly allegedly USPS whistleblower from Michigan has interesting things to say about both.

To be clear, I am not claiming there is fraud or that there are evil forces stealing Michigan from Donald Trump. But if there is one thing these last four years have taught me, or at least reminded me off, it's just how dirty the left will play. ESPECIALLY if they're playing against Donald Trump. The campaign is 100% within its rights to investigate all credible allegations, especially when the people counting the votes don't seem to care exactly how shady they look.

Like, say, dragging a bunch votes around Cobo Hall in a Yeti.

from Steven Crowder Says