Monday, November 23, 2020

Mask Nazi Spits on Hikers for Not Wearing Masks ... While They Were Outdoors Hiking

Mask Nazi Spits on Hikers for Not Wearing Masks ... While They Were Outdoors Hiking
Brodigan - November 23, 2020 at 09:15AM

The only thing worse than mask mandates is mask nazis. Those people who are a little too overzealous about mask mandates. Or, they're miserable people even without being told what to wear on their faces. Probably a little of both. We've seen mask nazis wishing death on little girls. We've seen mask nazis freak out over a slice of pizza. In Massachusetts, a mask nazi was spotted along the hiking trail, yelling at two women for not wearing masks. While hiking. Outdoors.

He also spit on them, yelling "I have COVID." You know, because up until that point he wasn't crazy enough. Though he is a straight-up masshole

[Massachusetts] Police provided a minute-long video to CNN in which the man asks, "You're not wearing a mask?"

"I don't care, I'm not gonna wear a mask when I'm outside," one of the women replies.

"That's not the law, that's not the law," says the man.

I'm not familiar with Massachusetts' COVID regulations. Even money says that you aren't expected to mask up when you are outdoors in the middle of nowhere. If you are expected to mask up, f*ck that noise anyway. The entire point of hiking is to socially distance from life. Challenge me for not wearing a mask while doing so, you're going to be wearing my mask. Up your butt. I may catch the 'rona doing so, but it would be worth it.

Crazy Guy here is what happens when you spend too much time fighting with strangers on Twitter. You leave the house and think that's the way to communicate with people IRL. Stay home next time and tweet about it with your mask on. The COVID is so sneaky, it might find a way to sneak droplets into your house.

from Steven Crowder Says