Courtney Kirchoff - November 06, 2020 at 12:08PM

Yesterday, Steven Crowder joined The Megyn Kelly Podcast to discuss just how much media's power has slipped as new media emerges in the wake of the on-going presidential election. According to Megyn, the Louder with Crowder election streams views were at least in the range of CNN's if not more than CNN's. Which is in line with what I wrote yesterday.
Listen to the podcast by clicking the link below, or downloading it through Apple Podcasts.
Steven Crowder on the Media, Tech Platforms and... by The Megyn Kelly Show
Steven Crowder on the Media, Tech Platforms and... by The Megyn Kelly Show
Most of Megyn Kelly's podcasts clock in at about an hour. Her interview with Steven lasted about three. It's kind of a big deal considering Steven doesn't really do much media outside of his own show. Though I can confirm once you get the guy talking, hours just pass. My dude has thoughts.
From Steven:
"This interview was intended to be one hour with Megyn Kelly and lasted almost three times that. I rarely do media outside of my own. But this is probably the most personal and revealing podcast I've ever done, and I appreciate Megyn for being both curious and fair. She's also a damn funny dame!"
Listening to the podcast, one thing I like about Megyn is her gumption and convictions. If she thinks something is wrong, she's got zero qualms calling it out. Why does that matter, you ask? I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there seems like there's a lot of allowances in media types to just accept a premise of an argument with nary a willingness to push back. Yet in this episode, two powerful media figures disagreed on some polling related premises, did so with respect for each other, and managed to carry on both professionally and with clear friendliness.
2020 has been a disaster. That's why it's important to find and celebrate the small victories we have with each other. Old media is dwindling. New media is rising. And that's all happening as Big Tech is doing its darnedest to stop us.
from Steven Crowder Says