Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tucker Carlson Addresses Fox News Critics, Election Results: 'It's Hard to Trust Anything'

Tucker Carlson Addresses Fox News Critics, Election Results: 'It's Hard to Trust Anything'
Brodigan - November 10, 2020 at 08:03AM

Fox News, MAGA's former favorite network, has been in the crosshairs this past week. Dishonest post-election coverage coupled with the owner's wife screaming "WE DID IT" in response to a Biden victory will do that. My take on Fox News has always been that it's the opinion shows that make it Fox News. The news side has never been all that much different from the other networks. It's the prime-time line up that gives leftists the vapors. With all the FNC vs. MAGA drama, all eyes were on Tucker Carlson Monday night.

He subtly addressed the criticism, then gave a thorough recap of what we know so far, what we need to know, and some important points for all of us to consider.

FoxNews Is Now Just More Leftist MSM... youtu.be

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