Monday, November 9, 2020

Dave Chappelle Offers Profound Post-Election Day Thoughts on SNL

Dave Chappelle Offers Profound Post-Election Day Thoughts on SNL
Brodigan - November 09, 2020 at 06:45AM

Dave Chappelle can do no wrong with me. Even when he says things I disagree with, there's usually more things he's said in the "I agree with this" column (see DAVE CHAPPELLE MOCKS PERPETUALLY OUTRAGED WHINERS WITH BRUTAL IMPRESSION and DAVE CHAPPELLE DROPS RAW SPECIAL ON GEORGE FLOYD). The fact that Donald Trump and the right were the butt of a lot of his post-Election Day SNL monologue was expected and nothing I particularly found funny this time. But I felt this part at the end was poignant.

No one wants to hear the word unity right now. Immediately after saving this blog post, I'm switching to one mocking AOC for saying Election Day might make her quit politics. Whenever the left or the media talk about how we all need to get along, what they usually mean is for the right to shut up and fall in line. Chappelle, at least, when he says everyone, he means everyone. Including the people dancing in super-spreading events outside the White House.

This next month is going to be all-out war. Get ready for the fight. But it's healthy to still pause once and a while, take a deep breath, and think about what's really making you angry.

from Steven Crowder Says