Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Cocaine Mitch Tells Democrats Where to Stick 'Lecture on Civility' as Trump Challenges Results

Cocaine Mitch Tells Democrats Where to Stick 'Lecture on Civility' as Trump Challenges Results
Brodigan - November 10, 2020 at 07:07AM

It's funny how civility works. From the minute the media called the presidential race for Donald Trump in 2016, no one cared about the left's lack of civility. They spent the last four years calling him illegitimate, claiming he colluded with Russia, insinuating he only won because of foreign countries paying for Facebook ads, etc. Now that the media says he lost, the same Democrats are demanding civility. Just, of course, not from themselves (see DOES JAKE TAPPER WANT TRUMP SUPPORTERS PUT ON A LIST?! and CHUCK SCHUMER MAY HAVE COST DEMOCRATS THE SENATE MAJORITY RANTING ABOUT GEORGIA). Any Republican who doesn't fall in line and demand that Donald Trump concede is literally destroying democracy literally.

Cocaine Mitch says bump all that noise.

These 2 Anomalies Should Make Biden Worried... | Good Morning #MugClub youtu.be

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