Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Report: Police Chief Fired for Charging BLM Vandals with Vandalism

Report: Police Chief Fired for Charging BLM Vandals with Vandalism
Brodigan - November 18, 2020 at 08:25AM

Vandalism and destruction of private property are against the law. How much against the law it is depends on municipality. But we can all agree, it's illegal. When Black Lives Matter activists vandalized and destroyed statues during the Summer of Peaceful Protests in Portsmouth, Virginia, they were charged accordingly for breaking the law. Those charges were just dropped. Oh, and the police chief was fired. Whether or not the police chief was fired for political reasons, feel free to draw your own conclusions. But one of the BLM vandals charged was a powerful state senator.

Okay, NOW draw your own conclusions.

Portsmouth police in August charged [Senator Louise] Lucas and 18 other plaintiffs, including a school board member and members of the local NAACP chapter and the public defender's office, with conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1,000.

Lucas said in a statement Tuesday that the Portsmouth Police Department "made a mockery of the criminal justice system" by filing "obscure felony charges against me and other Portsmouth citizens and in so doing, they created a scandalous national embarrassment for our city."

I never heard of this city until I read this article about the police chief's "alleged" firing. Also, I can't help notice the police chiefs who run most afoul of these various douchecanoe leftist activists tend to be police chiefs of color, female police chiefs, and/or female police chiefs of color (see WHAT THE RESIGNATION OF THE SEATTLE POLICE CHIEF TELLS US ABOUT LIBERAL ACTIVISM and PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF ASKS: WHY ISN'T ANTIFA EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE?). These activists are woke in all the wrong woke ways according to their own woke rules.

Keep this story in your back pocket. After the left's anti-cop rhetoric costs Democrats everything except for the White House (which is still in dispute), they'll likely try to claim they are not anti-cop and to say otherwise is right-wing disinformation. I base this on past experience. A Democrat state senator having a police chief fired (allegedly) after being charged with breaking the law, and having other Democrats cheering the state senator on, sure as sh*t sounds anti-cop to me. But that's just my opinion.

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