Friday, November 6, 2020

Clueless Nancy Pelosi Says She 'Won the War' After Losing Over Ten Seats in the House

Clueless Nancy Pelosi Says She 'Won the War' After Losing Over Ten Seats in the House
Brodigan - November 06, 2020 at 12:01PM

Let me just say "PeLOLsi" once to get it out of my system. Because the greatest Democrat leader in the history of ever just held a press conference to take a victory lap over how well Democrats did on election night. The problem being, outside the White House, which is still in dispute, Democrats didn't do well on election night at all (see NYT REPORTER HAS A SAD OVER BLACKS, LATINOS, AND GAYS VOTING FOR TRUMP and FEEL GOOD STORY: MAN IN VIRAL PRO-GUN VIDEO BECOMES FIRST BLACK LT. GOVERNOR IN NORTH CAROLINA). Like, even on the local level, where Republicans are actually in BETTER shape for redistricting than they were in 2010. But here, I'll let the speaker of the House speak.

Okay, this talk about mandates is silly. No politician, even the ones I like, ever has a "mandate" because of the number of people who don't vote. My back of the envelope math only has around 35% of Americans voting for Biden. People who didn't vote might not get to b!tch, as the saying goes, but they still exist. As for Biden having a bigger mandate than John F. Kennedy — whom Democrats like Nancy Pelosi would mean-girl out of the party today for being too "conservative" — if I'm reading Wikipedia right, in 1960 Democrats held the house 262-175. Let's check in to see how Democrats did on the house now.

Oh, and about those four House seats in the previous tweet?

Also, the Republican in NY-3 is ahead with 100% of the vote counted. Whether that holds or not is to be determined. But a lot of these are House seats that weren't on anyone's radar. Because Republicans actually GAINING seats in the House wasn't on anyone's radar. Nancy Pelosi is going to start the next Congress with the slimmest majority I believe since the New Deal. There's also a slim chance of Rs taking the majority. A super not-even-worth-taking-seriously-slim chance. Hey, it's 2020.

If this is what Nancy Pelosi considers winning the war, I'm even more convinced the left is going to continue to be clueless over the next two to four years. May Nancy Pelosi reign as Democrat leader forever!

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