Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Georgia Recount 'Finds' Over 2,600 New Votes ... Because Someone Forgot to Upload Them

Georgia Recount 'Finds' Over 2,600 New Votes ... Because Someone Forgot to Upload Them
Brodigan - November 17, 2020 at 08:13AM

The 2020 election is still in dispute. The media totals have Joe Biden over the 270 electoral votes needed to become president. The irregularities and general shadiness around the election have Donald Trump telling everyone to slow their roll while lawyers do lawyer things (see PENNSYLVANIA JUDGE RULES IN TRUMP'S FAVOR, STATES CERTAIN BALLOTS SHOULD NOT BE COUNTED and TED CRUZ BREAKS DOWN POTENTIAL OUTCOMES OF TRUMP'S MANY PENDING LEGAL BATTLES). Georgia is so close that they are hand-counting the ballots. Which turns out to be a smart move, since they've already found over 2,600 of them that weren't counted the first time.

More than 2,600 ballots in Georgia's Floyd County that have not been tallied were recently found during a recount in the state for the 2020 presidential election, according to reports.

Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger blamed the problem on Floyd County election officials failing to upload votes from a memory card in a ballot-scanning machine.

In total, Trump netted over 800 of them. Not enough to flip the state, the rest of the count matches up so far, and this can maybe be written off as an uh-oh. Board of election workers aren't exactly our best and brightest. Stuff like this happens, but when the race isn't close, no one notices. No "evidence" of voter fraud here. That being said...

I just want to point out how easily there COULD be voter fraud with the slightest bit of organization. People not only know what counties tend to vote for Rs or Ds, they even know which specific election precincts. The information is relatively easy to obtain. IF you know you are in a heavily partisan precinct in a heavily partisan county, you could safely assume who has the most votes on the thumb drive you have in your hands. "Forgetting" to upload those votes could flip a precinct. Do it a few more times, you can flip an entire county. Do that a few times, you can flip entire states. It wouldn't take that much organization if you simply make enough safe guesses.

I'm not saying it happened in 2020. The Trump campaign needs to produce hard evidence and not just retweets, and do it soon. But this does lead to the importance of poll watchers and having checks and balances in how we count votes. It's why it looks so shady when you see people not letting poll watchers in or boarding up windows. It also shows that our country can survive a few weeks of legal challenges while we get to the bottom of it.

from Steven Crowder Says