Thursday, November 12, 2020

Orwellian: Ticketmaster Wants 'Proof of Vaccination' Before Selling You Concert Tickets

Orwellian: Ticketmaster Wants 'Proof of Vaccination' Before Selling You Concert Tickets
Brodigan - November 12, 2020 at 07:35AM

If you're like me, the one thing you miss the most that Covid has taken from you is live music. But I'm sure you know how this goes. If you're indoors, there are coronavirus dropplets everywhere. Yes, even if you are wearing your mask to protect you! At least, that's what the science and experts say. The same people who claim you can't get sick at outdoor political rallies, though only if the rally is for one or more of the left's preferred political opinions. Those of us who just want to enjoy a concert are out of luck. But Ticketmaster has a plan. We can go back to enjoy live events ... but only if we prove to the company that we've been vaccinated.

No, seriously. This is their plan.

After purchasing a ticket for a concert, fans would need to verify that they have already been vaccinated (which would provide approximately one year of COVID-19 protection) or test negative for coronavirus approximately 24 to 72 hours prior to the concert.

If the tests were negative, or the fan was vaccinated, the health pass company would verify the attendee's COVID-19 status to Ticketmaster, which would then issue the fan the credentials needed to access the event.

If a fan tested positive or didn't take a test to verify their status, they would not be granted access to the event.

Right. Or, Ticketmaster and any band or artist who goes along with this could eat my butt.

What is most frighting about is how many artists and entertainment executives, most of whom play in the progressive sandbox, will go along with this. The left has already made their political intentions perfectly clear (see BIDEN'S COVID ADVISOR THINKS A 4 TO 6 WEEK NATIONAL LOCKDOWN IS AN AWESOME IDEA and PFIZER'S GOOD NEWS ON A COVID VACCINE? ANDREW CUOMO SAYS HE'S WORKING WITH GOVERNORS AGAINST IT ...). A policy like Ticketmaster is proposing is already one of their most soggiest Orwellian dreams. Now we're going to be told that if we don't go along with it, we are either literally anti-science or heartless because we aren't willing to hand over personal health information in order for artists and their crews to get back to work.

Concerts and sports events will just be the start. It's a downward slope before retail chains and grocery stores demand the same thing before you enter the building. If this doesn't at least concern you, I'm guessing you're the person who snitches on neighbors for having more than ten people in their home.

from Steven Crowder Says