Thursday, November 5, 2020

NYT Reporter Has a Sad Over Blacks, Latinos, and Gays Voting for Trump

NYT Reporter Has a Sad Over Blacks, Latinos, and Gays Voting for Trump
Brodigan - November 05, 2020 at 07:30AM

Prior to America casting their votes, there was much ballyhoo over Donald Trump's alleged support among various non-cis white male voting blocs. Anecdotal evidence pointed to the president — regularly painted by the media as someone who hates all those groups — making yuge inroads that no other Republican president has (see BLACK TRUMP SUPPORTERS GO VIRAL FOR AWESOME PRO-AMERICA MESSAGE and UFC'S JORGE MASVIDAL SENDS WARNING TO LATINO VOTERS: JOE BIDEN WILL 'DESTROY THIS GREAT COUNTRY'). Now that people have voted, it's no longer anecdotal.

Not only is it no longer anecdotal, Donald Trump saw an increase in support in every group EXCEPT for straight white men. Donald Trump got the highest share of non-white vote for the GOP since 1960. Yes, that Donald Trump! Leftists, such as the New York Times' Charles Blow, are devistated.

Here's the thing, and it's why I've been saying if (big IF) Donald Trump loses, he'll be losing in the best way possible. Trump has shown Republicans the road map for how to reach out to [solve for X] group of voters. A lot of those [solve for X] groups of voters have shown that they've had it with the inauthentic pandering and over-the-top identity politics Democrats use to turn them in to [solve for x] groups of voters. The left, judging from Blow and many of his colleagues, is responding by quadrupling down on all the things that drove these voters to Trump in the first place. They just can't help themselves.

The American people are not a New York Times editorial board meeting or a tea party at AOC's condo. If the response from the leftists like Blow over the next two to four years is to smugly look down on the voters and blame them for not knowing their place, more and more are going to come to our side. We have cake.

from Steven Crowder Says