Thursday, November 5, 2020

Houston Police Chief Explains the Number One Reason Democrats Couldn't Turn Texas Blue

Houston Police Chief Explains the Number One Reason Democrats Couldn't Turn Texas Blue
Brodigan - November 05, 2020 at 08:29AM

2020 was the year Democrats were going to turn Texas blue. Or at least that was the dream among Democrats and the media. This election would be such a repudiation of Donald Trump that Texas would vote for Democrat. I'll be honest, while I never thought it could actually happen, I had a few laughs pretending, just because I like to mess with Texas. I don't care what the slogan says.

But while we still don't know who won the presidential race, it sure as sh*t wasn't a repudiation of Trump (see MSNBC: DONALD TRUMP APPEARS ON TRACK TO WIN ARIZONA and NYT REPORTER HAS A SAD OVER BLACKS, LATINOS, AND GAYS VOTING FOR TRUMP). Especially not in Texas, where voters told Democrats where to stick it, then went back to shotgunning a Lonestar while listening to the Josh Abbott Band. As for why Texas didn't vote blue other than the fact that it's Texas, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo has a suggestion.

Lest you think Chief Acevedo is some crazed MAGA-American, here's his moderate, rational message to voters on Election Day.

Not rational was the Democrat Party's anti-cop, pro-Marx agenda. Even in New York, Republicans had a good election night because of how much it turned off moderate, apolitical voters. If people on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley rejected it, the left didn't stand a chance in Texas. People like their local police and don't like politicians who wanted to regulate them within an inch of their lives. Go figure.

What makes this awesome is that, knowing the left as well as we do, the lesson they'll take away is that they didn't force their agenda down people's throats hard enough.

from Steven Crowder Says