Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ted Cruz Exposes AOC's Utter Lack of Understanding of How Congress Works in Only Two Tweets

Ted Cruz Exposes AOC's Utter Lack of Understanding of How Congress Works in Only Two Tweets
Brodigan - November 24, 2020 at 12:28PM

Let's be honest. Ted Cruz owning Congresswoman AOC over a political thing isn't a stunning accomplishment. It's as stunning as me owning my two-year-old nephew when I say "got your nose." Yet Sen. Cruz does have a certain panache when he does it. I'd go so far as to call him a Jedi master at it. But that's only to upset Mark Hamill.

Our betters in Washington, D.C., have left to enjoy Thanksgiving. I'm sure with ten family members or fewer. Congresswoman AOC expressed disapproval over there still not being a COVID relief bill, which is totes the GOP's fault! Except it's not. Cruz reminded her who dookied in the sweet potato pie here.

Ah, yes. The GOP-led Senate produced two different relief bills. Both bill were blocked by AOC's future primary opponent Chuck Schumer. When I say filibustered, I don't mean passage. Chuckles wouldn't even let the Senate open up debate on the bill.

Rep. AOC thought she had Cruz here. Because everyone knows you can't filibuster in the House! Except ...

I know the confusion. AOC thought that because she had a bill she liked, the Senate should shut up about it. Cruz is more focused on the grown-up way. The House passes a bill. The Senate passes a bill. The two sides go into committee and debate a compromise. The two sides vote on the compromise. Once it passes, the president signs it into law. There was a cute cartoon about this from the 1970s. AOC might be able to find it on YouTube.

Here's the rub. Senate Democrats are too busy holding the American people's COVID relief hostage. They won't let the second step happen. That's Ted Cruz's point. I hope this clears everything up.

from Steven Crowder Says