Saturday, November 21, 2020

Joe Biden Flips Out on Reporter for Asking Question on Covid and Teachers Unions

Joe Biden Flips Out on Reporter for Asking Question on Covid and Teachers Unions
Brodigan - November 21, 2020 at 08:34AM

There is a debate in this country over whether schools should be open during the time of COVID. "Debate" is the wrong word. There's all the data saying schools are safe to open during the time of COVID. Then there are the teacher unions who have made it clear they are not on the side of the American people. Backing the unions are d*ckhead politicians like Bill de Blasio.

President-elect (in theory) Joe Biden met with Nancy Pelosi to discuss 'rona things. A reporter asks about the anti-science teacher unions. It's a measured, well reasoned, important question. Let's see how our president-elect (humor me) responds.

You may remember Bo Erickson from the last time Joe Biden freaked out on a reporter. I'm sensing a reoccurring theme.

As for him being "the only guy that shouts out questions," he wouldn't get to ask it otherwise. Reporters asking Biden why his farts taste like rainbows get first shot. Then reporters telling Biden they think Trump is a jerk and asking if Biden agrees. The guy who walks in the room mistaking it for where the donuts are gets a question. Real questions that the American people care about only get asked if there's time at the end. Which there wasn't, since you saw how quickly Erickson got kicked out.

Also, you're in an empty room sitting well over six feet away from each other. Wearing masks as you're having a conversation doesn't signal the virtue you think it does.

from Steven Crowder Says