Monday, November 23, 2020

Grown Adults Force 4-Year-Old to Participate in Disturbing Transgender Naming Ceremony

Grown Adults Force 4-Year-Old to Participate in Disturbing Transgender Naming Ceremony
Brodigan - November 23, 2020 at 11:22AM

Transgenders remain ranked number one on the left's pound-for-pound most marginalized rankings. Ask Joe Rogan and the Spotify employees who want to cancel Joe Rogan. Or JK Rowling. The author of books leftists based their lives on until she started asking questions. No other group comes close. Every other group gets thrown under the bus. So I'm assuming many leftists are going to watch this next clip and sing about how beautiful and brave it is. While anyone else who isn't a sanctimonious woke tw*t is going to say it looks like child abuse.

The clip comes from an HBO documentary. We've actually seen this movie, metaphorically speaking, with Netflix's Cuties. Release a clip normal people will find offensive. Claim during the bad publicity that the clip doesn't speak for the rest of the film. Accuse anyone who views this as child abuse as being intolerant and -phobic. Right now we're at Phase One. I expect Phase Two in a day or two.

This is the disconnect between leftists and normies. It's not telling grown adults how to live their best lives based on who they think they are inside. It's when adults who know better force their agenda ON THEIR CHILDREN. Most four-year-olds barely know their sight words. Writing letters is a new skill for them. They aren't able to "decide what gender they are." Nor should they be allowed to. BECAUSE THEY ARE FOUR YEARS OLD. Adults who force them to do otherwise should have their kids taken away.

This clip isn't beautiful and brave. This clip is child abuse. Rational people will view it as such and adjust their disgust accordingly.

from Steven Crowder Says