Saturday, November 7, 2020

Does President Trump Still Have a Shot in Pennsylvania?

Does President Trump Still Have a Shot in Pennsylvania?
Brodigan - November 07, 2020 at 08:28AM

While a news outlet or two has called Pennsylvania for Joe Biden, nothing has been made official yet. That's not even getting into the, let's just call them "potential discrepancies" that may or may not be going on (see IS JOE BIDEN PRESIDENT-ELECT? THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN SAYS NOT SO FAST ... and USPS WHISTLEBLOWER GOES PUBLIC, CONFIRMS INVESTIGATION ON ALLEGED POTENTIAL MAIL-IN BALLOT FRAUD). Also, the Keystone State could possibly be called by the time you're reading this. To quote Andy Dwyer, I have no idea what's going on and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

But as of 9:16 AM on Saturday morning, Pennsylvania is still up for grabs with potentially some 200,000 votes still outstanding. I'll let Steve Kornacki explain how that MAY leave a glimmer of hope for Donald Trump.

Most concerning is the 100,000 mail-in votes that "never seem to get to zero." If I were an election attorney, I'd be picking out my new boat while my legal team did all the due diligence for me.

I'm not saying that the odds are good for Trump. I'm not saying the odds are good for me when I'm playing Texas Hold 'Em and catch four of a kind while holding and eight and a King offsuit. I'm just saying that I have taken a few pots doing exactly that. So...

from Steven Crowder Says