Friday, November 20, 2020

Joe Biden Sounds Easily Confused After Speaking with Governors

Joe Biden Sounds Easily Confused After Speaking with Governors
Brodigan - November 20, 2020 at 08:31AM

For sake of argument, let's consider Joe Biden the president-elect. Humor me here. We enjoyed Joe's less than cognitive moments over the course of the campaign. They were good for a laugh (see THE GOP JUST RELEASED A 46 MINUTE VIDEO OF JOE BIDEN TALKING NONSENSE and FREUDIAN SLIP OR SENILITY? EVEN JOE BIDEN THINKS IT'S THE 'HARRIS-BIDEN' ADMINISTRATION). They ranged from "Hey, look at the funny old guy" to "Oy vey, this looks like senior abuse." That was candidate Biden. This is President-elect Biden addressing the press on his teleconference with governors. Or attempting to address the press. This is the first example of the guy who could be leader of the free world losing his words. As well as the concept of sentences.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around, the most plausible one is Biden will not last long and the plan is to use his inaugural address to say he doesn't want to be president any more. Now heeeeeerre's Kamala!

How can that guy actually be commander in chief? He'll give attack orders to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The chiefs will all look at each other wondering what the hell he just said. Biden will dual press conference with the prime minister of Zimbabwe. The PM will turn to Biden and say, "Good God, man, speak English."

This used to be fun to watch and mock on the internet. Now it's cringeworthy, because this is the man who could be president. Or, even worse, Kamala Harris could be.

from Steven Crowder Says