Monday, November 30, 2020

Steven Crowder says Parler is not an alternate reality for 'conspiracy theorists'

Steven Crowder says Parler is not an alternate reality for 'conspiracy theorists'
Tarah Price - November 25, 2020 at 09:51AM

In this clip, Steven Crowder discussed "another example of big government bureaucracy always hurting the 'little guy'" and the "unholy relationship between Big Tech and government."

Steven illustrated his point with a clip from "The Week," a weekend show on MSNBC hosted by Joshua Johnson. The MSNBC clip began with Johnson slamming Parler — an up-and-coming social media platform — calling it "an alternate reality for conspiracy theorists."

The jab came on the heels of the massive conservative exodus from social platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Steven challenged his liberal-minded viewers to sign up and share a post on Parler and see for themselves that the Facebook/Twitter alternative allows all points of view.

Watch the video to hear what Steven had to say.

from Steven Crowder Says