Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pennsylvania Announces Tyrannical New Mask Mandate, Including What You Do in Your Own Home

Pennsylvania Announces Tyrannical New Mask Mandate, Including What You Do in Your Own Home
Brodigan - November 18, 2020 at 08:11AM

If it wasn't for the tyranny, you would almost have to admire the stones of Pennsylvania's governor to even suggest this. But in a week where the left has metaphorically let their mask slip, this shouldn't surprise anyone (see JUSTIN TRUDEAU EXPOSES TRUTH ABOUT PANDEMIC, TELLS UN IT'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR 'GREAT RESET' and FAUCI LETS HIS MASK SLIP, FLAT OUT TELLS AMERICANS "DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD"). I'm sure their masks have slipped literally too, since these mandates are usually just for us little people. Wear your mask when you are in a store. Wear your mask when you are outside. Now, wear your mask while YOU ARE IN YOU OWN HOME.

Masks are required outside where it isn't possible to maintain at least a six-foot distance from others, according to the order, and inside where people from multiple households are gathering, even if they can maintain a social distance.

I've got a better idea. After you eat a bag of d*cks, you can wear that bag as a mask. Just remember, it's effective as long as you don't touch it and wash it at insanely high temperatures. So good luck with that.

Never mind the leftist "super-spreading" events, like the Summer of Riots and Looting. After days of Democrat dance parties over the media declaring Joe Biden president-elect, we're told to cancel holidays and what we have to wear in our homes. Stabbily enough, by the same side whose members did the cha-cha slide at Biden events. But they were outside and wearing their underwear masks over the faces. It's not like they went to church or tried to support a local restaurant struggling to keep its doors open.

It's practically impossible to mandate what people wear in their homes, unless you send the military door to door, which then turns the situation into something different. Pennsylvania could have left the unmanageable household part out. Knowing they had no qualms about saying it out loud anyway should terrify everyone.

from Steven Crowder Says