Monday, November 9, 2020

Does Jake Tapper Want Trump Supporters Put on a List?!

Does Jake Tapper Want Trump Supporters Put on a List?!
Brodigan - November 09, 2020 at 01:00PM

It's not enough for Democrats to theoretically win the White House. Which, keep in mind, IF they do, it will be barely and have many billable attorney hours. But let's say Biden is in fact president-elect. For a party claiming that we all need to unify, there sure are a lot of leftists who want to put their political opponents on lists. Of course Rep. AOC is leading the charge (see AOC MIGHT QUIT POLITICS AFTER THE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS and AOC IS SUPER ANGRY DONALD TRUMP CALLED HER AOC). But there is even a Trump Accountability Project, scouring the internet for anyone who so much as held the door open for Trump. This could just be chalked up to "grifters gotta grift," but considering the history that socialists and other commies have with lists, I don't want to find out the hard way.

This is why many found this Jake Tapper tweet alarming.

He followed up with this snarky tweet.

Personally, I don't think this is fascism as much as it is sad concern trolling. Which rings hollow, considering he is employed by CNN. Now joining us on the panel is Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams and the 45th president of the United States, Hillary Clinton.

Democrats for the past four years have called Donald Trump illegitimate. They called George W. Bush illegitimate for eight years. And they've been calling Amy Coney Barrett illegitimate for as long as she's been a Supreme Court Justice. Spare me the media concern about "peaceful transfers of power" and accepting the results of an election. Especially when it only seems to be a constitutional crisis when Republicans raise questions about vote irregularities and other things that look shady AF.

Was Tapper's tweet racist? No. Was it douchey? Fact-check: No Pinocchios.

from Steven Crowder Says