Monday, November 30, 2020

Los Angeles Health Expert Claims You're a Domestic Terrorist for Not Wearing a Mask

Los Angeles Health Expert Claims You're a Domestic Terrorist for Not Wearing a Mask
Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 11:10AM

There have been a lot of offensively stupid comments made about masks. It's no longer enough for people to signal their virtue over the piece of cloth over their own face. They need to attack you for not wearing one over yours. Or attack your children. Or spit on you while screaming "I just gave you COVID." But these are random wackadoodles. They aren't government officials, like Los Angeles County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis, who thinks if you don't wear a mask, you are no different from the Taliban.

If it were up to me, anybody not wearing a mask when they are out in public would be arrested. That's an act of domestic terrorism and should be treated like one.

This is a doctor who is a health officer in a major U.S. city. That qualifies him as an "expert." The same kind of expert we're told we're supposed to be following. This health expert said that if you go for a walk without wearing a mask, you are a DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

Even more maddening, this is Los Angeles, where if you riot and set buildings on fire, you are NOT a domestic terrorist. Tens of thousands of leftists superspreading in the streets over the summer were fine. You not wearing your underwear over your face makes you no different than ISIS. Or worse, one of the Proud Boys.

Calling you a terrorist is acceptable rhetoric from the Los Angeles government. Questioning what you're told about COVID is not. This is where we're at right now.

from Steven Crowder Says