Monday, November 2, 2020

Biden Panders to Philadelphia with Eagles Jacket. Except It’s Not an Eagles Jacket!

Biden Panders to Philadelphia with Eagles Jacket. Except It’s Not an Eagles Jacket!
Brodigan - November 02, 2020 at 12:02PM

All the super-smart people are saying that the election hinges on Pennsylvania, and both candidates campaigned there over the weekend. Donald Trump pointed to his record on jobs and the economy and his support of fracking, which is crucial to the state. Joe Biden went the shameless pandering route, but like a lot of his campaigning over the past few days, it didn't quite work out for him (see JOE BIDEN TELLS PENNSYLVANIA HE'LL LEAD A STRATEGY TO ... NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THE REST and BIDEN SHORT CIRCUITS AGAIN, TELLS MICHIGAN IT'S A RIGHT FOR PEOPLE TO ... SOMETHING).

A great way to pander is to give a shout-out to the local sports team, as Joe Biden tried to do, pointing to the local sports team jacket he was wearing. Only problem was, he wasn't wearing the local sports team jacket. He pointed to an entirely different logo, not knowing what clothes he was wearing.

Honestly, the way the teams are playing, it would probably be safer not to endorse any of the teams in the NFL East. But if you're going to pander and point to a logo on your jacket, at least have half a functioning brain cell to know what logo you are pointing at. I don't know who was in charge of dressing him that day, but they need to worry about more than his aviators and the comfier trousers.

Sure, in the grand scheme of Election 2020, is this a petty thing to mock him for? Probably. Does that bother me? No, not at all.

from Steven Crowder Says