Monday, November 2, 2020

UFC Fighter Gives Patriotic Speech Against Masks and Shutdowns That America Needs to Hear

UFC Fighter Gives Patriotic Speech Against Masks and Shutdowns That America Needs to Hear
Brodigan - November 02, 2020 at 07:49AM

Hopefully, this blog post is finding you well and not being throttled by our betters in Big Tech. Because while Bryce Mitchell is a 14-1 featherweight in the UFC, he is not a scientist or an expert. We all know how much leftist tw*ts in Palo Alto hate opinions that go against the narrative. But what Mitchell says here I feel speaks for most Americans, and with Election Day tomorrow, this needs to be said.

They're gonna say I'm a dumb MMA fighter and I got no sense, sharing my opinion. But you know what? I pay my taxes. So you gonna tell me you can take that money out of my pocket — tens of thousands of dollars out of my pocket that I fought for — and you're gonna take it out of my pocket and then discredit my opinions? Say I don't have an opinion? No, I do have an opinion. And it does matter. And if you put it on a vote, I guarantee more people in Arkansas agree with me.

As luck would have it, we're putting it on the vote tomorrow, and Joe Biden just said that if he's elected, on Day One he's going to institute a mask mandate. The same Joe Biden who already said he would shut down the economy again if a scientist told him to (see JOE BIDEN ADMITS HE WOULD SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY JUST BECAUSE "SCIENTISTS" ORDER HIM TO and SENILE JOE BIDEN GETS THE COVID DEATH COUNT WRONG BY ... OVER 110 MILLION PEOPLE). Mitchell may just be an MMA fighter, but what he said speaks to most Americans who aren't full-blown leftist.

Example: Bryce is a white southerner. One would assume he would be a Trump supporter. I saw this video because it was shared by future bantamweight champion Aljamain Sterling, an African-American from New York, someone you would assume is not a Trump supporter. Yet Sterling was in agreement with everything Mitchell had to say. If I were to guess, so are most Americans regardless of how they're registered or who they usually vote for.

Those are the Americans who will vote tomorrow and, knowing how the media asks, most likely wouldn't tell pollsters how they really feel about masks, mandates, or the shutdown. If there is indeed another upset that makes all the pollsters look like big stupid idiots again, this will be a key reason why.

from Steven Crowder Says