Thursday, November 12, 2020

Biden's Covid Advisor Thinks a 4 to 6 Week National Lockdown is an Awesome Idea

Biden's Covid Advisor Thinks a 4 to 6 Week National Lockdown is an Awesome Idea
Brodigan - November 12, 2020 at 07:00AM

Don't say we didn't warn you. Joe Biden made it clear as a candidate he would shut down the country again if a scientist told him to (see JOE BIDEN ADMITS HE WOULD SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY JUST BECAUSE "SCIENTISTS" ORDER HIM TO and BRET BAIER ASKS BIDEN STAFFER: 'HOW WOULD BIDEN HANDLED COVID?' HIS ANSWER IS IMPRESSIVELY STUPID). Now president-elect (in theory) Biden has named a scientist (in theory) to his COVID board that is saying just that. Dr. Michael Osterholm claims another shutdown would drive the 'rona down to manageable levels until a vaccine is ready. And THAT'S not even the ridiculous part.

"We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that. If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks."

Also, if unicorns farted rainbows right into our mouths, not only would it create coronavirus antibodies, but the unicorn would be close enough to where we could field dress it and feed our family for the same four to six weeks. All you need is a sharp knife, big enough freezer and a lot of vacuum seal bags. Then it's unicorn burgers for everyone! Plus unicorn sausage and unicorn bacon. A nice unicorn New York strip reverse seared sounds magical.

This is why a president doesn't only listen to scientists, and instead only considers their advise in combination with the advise from other experts. I would like to think that even Biden's most progressive economic adviser would say this is the dumbest thing he's ever heard of next to Speaker of the House AOC.

Not to mention, a four to six week shutdown sounds an awful lot like "two weeks to flatten the curve." We've heard this all before. Everyone except for my editor Courtney has fallen for this before. A Biden advisor trying to push this while Biden supporters are superspreading all over new York City and DC shows how unserious any of them are about Covid.

This is all about control, only NOT control of the virus as much as control over you. Let's not find out the hard way how quickly 4 to 6 weeks becomes 8 to 12.

from Steven Crowder Says