Monday, November 30, 2020

Joe Biden's Pick for OMB Director Loves Herself Some Voter Fraud Conspiracies ... from 2016

Joe Biden's Pick for OMB Director Loves Herself Some Voter Fraud Conspiracies ... from 2016
Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 02:26PM

Voter fraud doesn't exist and election tampering is a conspiracy. The media has been singing from that hymnal for the past month and a totally different hymnal for the past four years. Where Russia literally elected Donald Trump. All it took was a few thousand dollars in Facebook ads. Even Bernie Sanders was a Russian plant to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. These were believable stories to our betters in the press. The mountain of evidence in 2020 that at best shows gross incompetence in how we count and secure our votes? Complete conspiracy. Nothing to see here.

This is going to make the confirmation hearings for Neera Tanden veeeeeery interesting. She's Biden's pick to head up the Office of Management and Budget. Conspiracies alleging fraud in 2020 may be beyond the pale. But in 2016, when they were used to attack Donald Trump, Tanden was all about them.

Senators already hate her. She's from the Center for American Progress, so she's an insufferable douchecanoe with a long record of saying douchecanoe-like things. Her Senate hearing will be entertaining enough. Watching the media defend her accusations of vote tampering will be fun. All while tying themselves in pretzels attacking the right for more valid accusations.

This is all if she even makes it that far. Methinks she'll be withdrawing her name and crying sexism in a week or two.

from Steven Crowder Says

Big Tech Comes for Ryan Long, Removes Newest Video from Platforms

Big Tech Comes for Ryan Long, Removes Newest Video from Platforms
Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 12:40PM

It was only a matter of time. I'm actually surprised it took so long. There was no way Big Tech was going to let Ryan Long get away with it forever. You can only make the extreme left in this country look stupid before they hit back. It finally happened today, with the release of this video.

Is 'Parler' a threat to DEMOCRACY? | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Los Angeles Health Expert Claims You're a Domestic Terrorist for Not Wearing a Mask

Los Angeles Health Expert Claims You're a Domestic Terrorist for Not Wearing a Mask
Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 11:10AM

There have been a lot of offensively stupid comments made about masks. It's no longer enough for people to signal their virtue over the piece of cloth over their own face. They need to attack you for not wearing one over yours. Or attack your children. Or spit on you while screaming "I just gave you COVID." But these are random wackadoodles. They aren't government officials, like Los Angeles County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis, who thinks if you don't wear a mask, you are no different from the Taliban.

If it were up to me, anybody not wearing a mask when they are out in public would be arrested. That's an act of domestic terrorism and should be treated like one.

This is a doctor who is a health officer in a major U.S. city. That qualifies him as an "expert." The same kind of expert we're told we're supposed to be following. This health expert said that if you go for a walk without wearing a mask, you are a DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

Even more maddening, this is Los Angeles, where if you riot and set buildings on fire, you are NOT a domestic terrorist. Tens of thousands of leftists superspreading in the streets over the summer were fine. You not wearing your underwear over your face makes you no different than ISIS. Or worse, one of the Proud Boys.

Calling you a terrorist is acceptable rhetoric from the Los Angeles government. Questioning what you're told about COVID is not. This is where we're at right now.

from Steven Crowder Says


Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 09:25AM

Steven gives an overview of the latest legal developments in Georgia and Michigan, then turns to look at Tucker Carlson's critique of Powell's allegations before the lawsuits were even filed.

from Steven Crowder Says

NYC Bar Owner Works Around Cuomo's Tyrannical COVID Restrictions: I'm an Autonomous Zone

NYC Bar Owner Works Around Cuomo's Tyrannical COVID Restrictions: I'm an Autonomous Zone
Brodigan - November 30, 2020 at 07:44AM

From the Slums of Shaolin, Cuomo's tyranny strikes again...

2020 was the summer when political activists declared "autonomous zones." Some called it CHAZ or CHOP. Most Americans called it retarded. But leftists "took over" territory in American cities to play nation-building. All while other liberal politicians looked the other way. At least until the killing started. A bar owner in Staten Island is resurrecting the idea of an autonomous zone. He declared Mac's Public House one. This way, they don't have to listen to Gov. Chris's Idiot Brother's COVID regulations. Since Mac's is no longer part of America.

Patriots FIGHT Back! Best Examples | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Steven Crowder says Parler is not an alternate reality for 'conspiracy theorists'

Steven Crowder says Parler is not an alternate reality for 'conspiracy theorists'
Tarah Price - November 25, 2020 at 09:51AM

In this clip, Steven Crowder discussed "another example of big government bureaucracy always hurting the 'little guy'" and the "unholy relationship between Big Tech and government."

Steven illustrated his point with a clip from "The Week," a weekend show on MSNBC hosted by Joshua Johnson. The MSNBC clip began with Johnson slamming Parler — an up-and-coming social media platform — calling it "an alternate reality for conspiracy theorists."

The jab came on the heels of the massive conservative exodus from social platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Steven challenged his liberal-minded viewers to sign up and share a post on Parler and see for themselves that the Facebook/Twitter alternative allows all points of view.

Watch the video to hear what Steven had to say.

from Steven Crowder Says

Steven Crowder breaks down Democrats' renewed calls for lockdowns

Steven Crowder breaks down Democrats' renewed calls for lockdowns
Tarah Price - November 24, 2020 at 09:28AM

Steven first reviews how political polls faired in predicting the 2020 election. He then turns to the Democrats' renewed calls for lockdowns and their focus on preventing family gatherings this Thanksgiving.

from Steven Crowder Says

Steven Crowder plays the 'Try To Laugh Challenge': Late-night edition

Steven Crowder plays the 'Try To Laugh Challenge': Late-night edition
Tarah Price - November 23, 2020 at 10:00PM

Steven Crowder and the Louder with Crowder team played the latest installment of the "Try to Laugh Challenge." This installment featured the guys reviewing late-night TV show clips, only instead of trying not to laugh, they desperately waited for a joke worthy of a laugh. Watch the clip to find out if they win or lose the game.

from Steven Crowder Says

Saturday, November 28, 2020

John Hopkins Publishes Shocking Study Calling COVID Overrated, Then Deletes It For Some Reason

John Hopkins Publishes Shocking Study Calling COVID Overrated, Then Deletes It For Some Reason
Brodigan - November 28, 2020 at 07:46AM

John Hopkins published a shocking study over the past few days. If you were living life right, you were too busy enjoying time with family to notice. The study challenges the accuracy of the COVID death count. Yes, the same John Hopkins whose death count is the gold standard for our panic porn addicted media. The study needs to be seen to be believed. Take every LwC segment on COVID, transcribe them, and submit it for peer review. That's how the study reads. We've even done a Change My Mind on the subject. Here's a little taste:

The CDC classified all deaths that are related to COVID-19 simply as COVID-19 deaths. Even patients dying from other underlying diseases but are infected with COVID-19 count as COVID-19 deaths. This is likely the main explanation as to why COVID-19 deaths drastically increased while deaths by all other diseases experienced a significant decrease.

Now, you may have noticed that I linked to a web archive of the study and NOT the actual study. There's a reason for that. When too many people started reading it, John Hopkins took it down.

"False and dangerous inaccuracies." Translation: it went against the mainstream media narrative. This happens whenever too many conservatives share the same article. We're told to "trust the science" and "believe the experts." We share a sciency study where experts challenge what CNN and the Democrat Party tells us. We're told not THAT science and not THOSE experts. Which in this case, means the experts ... that the media trusts themselves? This study wasn't released by someone named John Hopkins who lives in Poughkeepsie. This is THE John Hopkins. As in "the COVID Death Toll, according to John Hopkins University."

"Trust" the "experts." Who delete information when too many of the wrong people share it. Which is why more and more people are having a hard time trusting the experts.

from Steven Crowder Says

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

JP Sears Prepares You for Being More Obedient to Your Government This Holiday Season

JP Sears Prepares You for Being More Obedient to Your Government This Holiday Season
Brodigan - November 25, 2020 at 07:39AM

If you're like me, you're asking yourself, "Self, how can I conform more to my government this year?" Believe me, I get you. You already wear your mask everywhere. Haven't seen your elderly parents in months for their own safety. Not only do you agree to limit what you do in your home, you openly snitch on your neighbors when they disobey. Yet you still feel like you can do more! Here's my personal life coach JP Sears to teach YOU how to be more obedient.

Patriots FIGHT Back! Best Examples | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Jason Whitlock Exposes the Left's 'Mental Slavery' Over African Americans

Jason Whitlock Exposes the Left's 'Mental Slavery' Over African Americans
Brodigan - November 25, 2020 at 07:39AM

One of the high points of the Trump administration is the inroads he made with black voters. Every Republican has been saying for years we need to. The guy the media paints as Racist McHitler actually got it done. It wasn't only with black voters either, to the dismay of leftists anywhere. The question now is how to build on that. Jason Whitlock has an idea. Conservatives need to expose what the left thinks about the black community.

Whitlock said white liberals want to limit the freedom black people enjoy in America. He takes it a step further here.

Crowder REACTS: 'What Are White People Superior At?' | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Jordan Peterson Released a New Book, Immediately Making the Book Publishing Staff Cry Like Babies

Jordan Peterson Released a New Book, Immediately Making the Book Publishing Staff Cry Like Babies
Brodigan - November 25, 2020 at 07:36AM

Jordan Peterson is back, baybee! He was gone for a minute. I still don't fully understand why. Something about painkillers and Russia. I'll let him tell the story. But our dude has returned to us. He even dropped a new book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. Due out in March, he's already making the libs cry. Specifically, the libs who work at the company who published the book. I guess they're upset their bosses didn't ask for their permission or something.

"He is an icon of hate speech and transphobia and the fact that he's an icon of white supremacy, regardless of the content of his book, I'm not proud to work for a company that publishes him."

Another employee said "people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives."

One co-worker discussed how Peterson had radicalized their father and another talked about how publishing the book will negatively affect their non-binary friend.

His daughter had some advice how the company can improve labor relations.

Can anyone explain to me the unhinged hatred over a professor who sounds like Jim Henson? To this day I can't figure it out. Peterson's demeanor is so milquetoast he makes a mayonnaise sandwich seem spicy. Yes, he first hit the scene because he said he's happy to refer to you by whatever pronoun you like. He just doesn't think the government should force him to and threaten him if he doesn't. Somehow, that's transphobic. Sure, he owns leftists anytime the opportunity presents itself. But it's not like he does it on purpose. Progressive arguments suck that bad. The animosity is still a bit much.

Peterson literally writes books on how to live your best life. If your employer publishing the book makes you cry, you sound like someone who could stand to read one of the books.

from Steven Crowder Says

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ted Cruz Exposes AOC's Utter Lack of Understanding of How Congress Works in Only Two Tweets

Ted Cruz Exposes AOC's Utter Lack of Understanding of How Congress Works in Only Two Tweets
Brodigan - November 24, 2020 at 12:28PM

Let's be honest. Ted Cruz owning Congresswoman AOC over a political thing isn't a stunning accomplishment. It's as stunning as me owning my two-year-old nephew when I say "got your nose." Yet Sen. Cruz does have a certain panache when he does it. I'd go so far as to call him a Jedi master at it. But that's only to upset Mark Hamill.

Our betters in Washington, D.C., have left to enjoy Thanksgiving. I'm sure with ten family members or fewer. Congresswoman AOC expressed disapproval over there still not being a COVID relief bill, which is totes the GOP's fault! Except it's not. Cruz reminded her who dookied in the sweet potato pie here.

Ah, yes. The GOP-led Senate produced two different relief bills. Both bill were blocked by AOC's future primary opponent Chuck Schumer. When I say filibustered, I don't mean passage. Chuckles wouldn't even let the Senate open up debate on the bill.

Rep. AOC thought she had Cruz here. Because everyone knows you can't filibuster in the House! Except ...

I know the confusion. AOC thought that because she had a bill she liked, the Senate should shut up about it. Cruz is more focused on the grown-up way. The House passes a bill. The Senate passes a bill. The two sides go into committee and debate a compromise. The two sides vote on the compromise. Once it passes, the president signs it into law. There was a cute cartoon about this from the 1970s. AOC might be able to find it on YouTube.

Here's the rub. Senate Democrats are too busy holding the American people's COVID relief hostage. They won't let the second step happen. That's Ted Cruz's point. I hope this clears everything up.

from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: Calling All Patriots to Disobey!

SHOW NOTES: Calling All Patriots to Disobey!
Brodigan - November 24, 2020 at 09:27AM

Steven first reviews how the polls got 2020 so wrong. He then turns to the Democrats' renewed calls for lockdowns, and their war on family gatherings at Thanksgiving.

from Steven Crowder Says

John Cleese Wants Woke People to Fry, Makes an Important Point

John Cleese Wants Woke People to Fry, Makes an Important Point
Brodigan - November 24, 2020 at 08:18AM

John Cleese has pissed off Twitter again. We've seen the movie before. But unlike Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, it doesn't get better with each viewing. A liberal celebrity, like J.K. Rowling, says something slightly critical about transgender activism. The permaoffended woke tw*ts attack. SJW bloggers write about how that celebrity is a transphobe. Cleese's transphobic crime was tweeting that he liked J.K, Rowling.

The actor went a few rounds chirping back at his critics. This one tweet, besides being funny, also provides a valid point.

There is a clear line between being a sympathetic person and a woke tw*t. It's how much you virtue-signal over how sympathetic you are. It's obvious people who don't signal their virtue as beautiful and brave as they do hate all the things. They must be shamed and canceled. It's no wonder liberals like Cleese and Rowling have no patience for their bollocks. A pile of FU money usually helps.

What's great, politically speaking, is that the wokes do all the right's recruiting for them. Not that Cleese will be voting for Boris Johnson any time soon. I'm talking about the non-famous people without the FU money. People attacked for not tweeting the right thing, using the right words, in the right order. Unlike the woke tw*ts, the right won't hate you for having the slightest difference of opinion from them.

from Steven Crowder Says

Andrew Cuomo Attacks Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce His Tyrannical Thanksgiving Restrictions

Andrew Cuomo Attacks Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce His Tyrannical Thanksgiving Restrictions
Brodigan - November 24, 2020 at 07:36AM

Andrew Cuomo is a detestable human being. This is a guy who won an Emmy for his "televised leadership" during the pandemic. He threw his 89-year-old mother under the bus when she became a political liability. Last week he flipped out on a reporter questioning if NYC schools were shutting down. Hours later, NYC schools shut down. The jerk store called. They need to stock up on Andrew Cuomo before Black Friday. Please, only three people in the store at a time. Social distancing and all that.

Chris' Idiot Brother demands New Yorkers only have ten people in their homes. Even for the holidays. More than a few New York sheriffs said nuts to that. They aren't sending officers out on Thanksgiving to enforce it. Cuomo's response? They're not real cops.

Follow along. Andrew Cuomo is from the "defund the police" party. Andrew Cuomo's party has made it clear they will throw cops under the bus to score a single political point. Andrew Cuomo wants the police to show up at your house. On Thanksgiving. If your snitch-@$ b*tch of a neighbor counts twelve people. Let's say police get a call to a home. The woke leftist cousin no one wants to be around whips out their smartphone, presses record, and uploads an out-of-context TikTok of the cop being slightly rude to Auntie Beatrice. Every elected official with a (D-NY) after their name would trip over themselves to attack the cop. The cop who Gov. Chris' Idiot Brother (D-NY) demands show up as their "constitutional duty."

Police are already missing another holiday being on duty. They don't need to be sent out because the governor is on an ego trip. Thankfully, New York sheriffs agree.

from Steven Crowder Says