Brodigan - October 12, 2020 at 10:02AM

Since the dawn of the Trump administration, Democrats and the left at large have developed a propensity for calling anyone they don't like a "nazi." I mean, we've had some fun calling people "mask nazis" as of late (see HERE'S A CRAZY MASK NAZI SCREAMING IN A LITTLE GIRL'S FACE: 'I HOPE YOU DIE' and THE MASK NAZIS ARE COMING AFTER WWE'S RIC FLAIR FOR NOT WEARING ONE WHILE DRIVING HIS CAR). But our tongues are firmly in our cheeks. Many on the left, you get the impression they think you are literally Hitlerish. Just like how every white person who disagrees with them is a "white supremacist."
But "nazi" still seems to be their favorite word to label anyone with an opposing viewpoint. Up until now, I wasn't sure why. As comedian Ryan Long illustrates in this video, it's all his fault.
from Steven Crowder Says