Courtney Kirchoff - October 12, 2020 at 04:12PM
In America, which is a constitutional representative republic and not a democracy, it is illegal to subject judges to a religious test. Americans have the Constitutional right to practice their religion as stated in the First Amendment of the Constitution. But Democrats, whose behavior leads me to believe they'd rather use the Constitution to wipe their butts, have constantly questioned Barrett's fitness to serve on SCOTUS (and courts in general) because she's a practicing Catholic who actually believes and practices Catholicism. Not to be confused with Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden who practice Catholicism like fish practice pull-ups in a gym. Pointing out this religious test giving, Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri, who spanked his Democrat peers during the confirmation hearings.
Point of visual contention: ACB sitting there with a mask on makes her look like a prisoner at a tribunal awaiting her sentencing. I have strong feelings about masks and this visual didn't help.
That's beside the point.
You and I both know the real problem Democrats have with a Catholic who adheres to the faith serving on the court. Many people wonder on Twitter how "Catholics" can square those Catholic beliefs with their pro-abortion stance. As a Catholic I can tell you: you can't be pro-abortion and be a Catholic in good standing. As I understand it, if you're Catholic and you support abortion, especially in the way Democrats do, your final destination post life might be a little toastier than you'd like.
Here comes ACB. A young woman who's risen to the top of her field all while having a family. You know, the dream to which feminists say we should all aspire. All goes out the window when the Democrat sacrament of baby-massacre is threatened.
Josh Hawley was right to point out how media and Democrats are, essentially illegally, putting ACB through a religious test. Will they stop? Of course not. Since when do laws matter much to them? Power matters most. You know it, I know it. But not everyone else in America does. So whatever you do, don't share this post or video with your Democrat friends who claim to "believe in science" and "follow the law" except when it comes to when human life begins and Democrats illegally subjecting a woman to a religious test.
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