Yes, I realize that President Trump caught the 'rona. That doesn't change the fact the media has cherry picked whatever number or statistic they could find at that moment to maximize fear (see STEVEN CROWDER EXPLAINS WHY HE'S RALLYING AGAINST MICHIGAN'S TYRANNICAL GOVERNOR and THESE HATEFUL LIBERAL REACTIONS TO TRUMP'S COVID NEWS PROVE WHAT SIDE IS "DIVIDING US"). Case in point, notice how quickly they are shifting to use the 'rona as an excuse not to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Which, you can take that noise, shine it up real nice, and stick it right up your @$$. She can Zoom her interviews with senators, and we'll buy everyone hazmat suits if we have too.
Back to the 'rona, we're told to trust the experts and the people who tell us that list the CDC as experts we should trust. JP Sears took a look at some of the CDC numbers. Here's what you won't see scrolling on CNN.