Thursday, October 1, 2020

An Ohio Official Is Going Viral Exposing How Badly Democrats Have FAILED Black Voters

An Ohio Official Is Going Viral Exposing How Badly Democrats Have FAILED Black Voters
Brodigan - October 01, 2020 at 07:37AM

The way the left gets away with shameless pandering to [place marginalized group the left has marginalized in the first place here] has always been maddening. More and more people are starting to wake up to it, with some high-profile progressive assclowns helping by exposing themselves (see ACTRESS DEBRA MESSING TRIES 'WHITESPLAINING' BLACK VOTERS TO A BLACK VOTER and JOE BIDEN TELLS BLACK PEOPLE THAT THEY 'AIN'T BLACK'). Colin Jackson is a Republican official from Cuyahoga County (shout-out to The Land and FCB Records). He makes the case for just how badly Democrats have failed the black community and continue to fail the black community.

This video should also stand as a lesson for the right that representation and outreach matter and AREN'T just leftist buzzwords. We've always felt that we have the message that appeals to all communities. We haven't always been the best at actual outreach to those communities, which requires recruiting people from those communities. That's not leftist political correctness to say so. If I gave this exact same speech, it wouldn't carry the same weight. We ceded ground to the left for too long. Remarkably, for all the attacks against him, under Donald Trump is where we're finally starting to make an actual effort.

Which would explain why the media is so desperate to paint him as a white supremacist.

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