The Media Says Trump's Mt. Rushmore Speech was Racist. Here's What They Think is Racist...
Brodigan - July 05, 2020 at 07:43AM
If you're a normal person like me, you spent your Independence Day the way the founders intended: liquored up, consuming copious amounts of grilled meats, and telling the local constables where to stick their regulations on illegal fireworks. That's what normal people did. On Twitter and in the media, they argued over how raaaaaaaaacist Donald Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech was. Which if we're being honest, was a line of attack the media previewed before the speech even took place. Here is the speech in question, introduced by South Dakota's smokeshow of a governor.
VIDEOPresident Trump and the First Lady Participate in the 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations
This is how it's being framed by the media:
Taking the media at it's word (stop laughing), President Trump must have said some crazy sh!t. The full speech is there for context, but let's take a look at some of the quotes Rich Lowry was kind enough to pull for us.
I'm not seeing the racism here. I'm seeing a general attack on the left. Of course, if you disagree with the left on anything ever for any reason, there's always someone on the left to claim it's because of some -ism or another. It's just not generally something you see in the headlines.
Plus here's another important detail. "They" and "our opponents" is referring to the radical Marxist left. Who - SPOILERS - tend to be woke WHITE douchebags (see WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM and A WHITE LIBERAL WAS HANDING OUT BRICKS, BUT THIS BLACK PROTESTER WASN'T HAVING IT ). Maybe the media is confusing the "racial justice movement" with the "radical Marxist political movement hiding behind the racial justice movement." Or, maybe the media is just dishonest, insincere, and sympathetic to Marxist part of it. When vandals illegally tear down statues on public property - statues that contrary to popular belief are NOT part of the confederacy - they are referred to by the media as "peaceful protesters." So I'd guess it's a little from column A and a little from column B. With some old fashioned hatred of any Republican president sprinkled in.
This is the next four months of our lives, folks. Strap in.
VIDEO America Is Not Racist (Part Two) | Change My Mind
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