Thursday, July 23, 2020

'Peaceful Protester' in Portland Accidentally Set Another 'Peaceful Protester' on Fire

'Peaceful Protester' in Portland Accidentally Set Another 'Peaceful Protester' on Fire
Brodigan - July 23, 2020 at 11:01AM

The media keeps telling us about the peaceful protesters protesting peacefully in Portland. Such peaceful, much protest (see DONALD TRUMP'S 'UNIDENTIFIED SECRET POLICE' IN PORTLAND? HERE'S WHAT THE MEDIA IS LEAVING OUT ... and THIS PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER CONFIRMS WHAT WE KNOW: THE REAL PROBLEM IS WHITE LIBERALS). Peacefully protesting with fire. Which is funny, because I don't seem to remember Martin Luther King Jr. ending his march to Washington by setting the Lincoln Memorial on fire. But what can you do with some of these youngbloods today?

Here's a tip. If you are going to peacefully protest by setting a building on fire, be careful where you stick your fire. You don't want to accidentally peacefully light up your fellow peaceful protestor.

The douche! The douche! The douche is on fire! We don't Trump's secret police, let the mutha — okay, so the lyrics need some work.

Here's my question, because I know if I was hanging out with my friends and one of them accidentally set me on fire, I'd start to question the decisions that led me to this point. What are they rioting for? Yes, I remember what happened to George Floyd, even though I doubt half of these people have heard his name before. I know everyone says we need police reform now, but Democrats have already made it clear it's not really important and can wait until next year. So that leaves what exactly?

Because while we're on like 60 days of continuous riots, the inmates have been running the asylum in Portland for a few years now. What's the cause? Why the riots? Seems like a fair question, no?

from Steven Crowder Says