Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hackers Commandeered Major Twitter Accounts and are Allegedly Raking in Millions...

Hackers Commandeered Major Twitter Accounts and are Allegedly Raking in Millions...
Courtney Kirchoff - July 15, 2020 at 05:44PM

There's a solid chance you've already heard of this story, or perhaps it's insular to those of use who have to be on Twitter for job reasons. But if you were ever curious about the scent of Twitter's burning dumpster fire, now's a chance to grab some mallows for a roast. Either hackers have gained access to some major Twitter accounts (Kanye West, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and even Wendy's), or Twitter itself has been compromised. Either way, suddenly there's a story that's not about 'rona or Nick Cannon and I'm here for it.

Screen captures:

And on and on, for a lot of big to-dos on the Tweeter dot com. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and the list is only lengthening.

To their discredit, the Twitter legion of nerds is on the case with apparently all the sleuthing capabilities of the Scooby Gang.

Meanwhile, and according to this tweeter user, the person or persons who authored the scam are making millions. Please take this with a grain of bit, for I am not anywhere near smart enough to understand how bitcoin works:

I am not surprised that over 5,000 people have fallen for the scam. I am surprised at how much the scam is worth. I am obviously in the wrong field and I blame my parents for not instilling in me more corrupt immorals.

This one just because:

Listen, we could have conversations about how this security breach isn't a good look for Jack Dorsey's platform. But we can do that tomorrow.

More selfishly, I'm so glad there's something new to talk about besides the Great Mask War of 2020. I'm kind of wondering who's going to be hacked next, what the ceiling is for money earned, who is the tweet-hacking mastermind, and how they plan on spending their rolling millions.

For a time, Twitter put a stop to blue check mark tweeting. I was informed of this by Twitter Queen @heckyessica and gave it a whirl:

So that's at least a plus. Not sure who the anonymous trolls are going to troll without blue checks littering the internet with their dumb. But again. Better than the mask debate.

from Steven Crowder Says