Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Donald Trump's 'Unidentified Stormtroopers' in Portland? Here's What the Media Is Leaving Out ...

Donald Trump's 'Unidentified Stormtroopers' in Portland? Here's What the Media Is Leaving Out ...
Brodigan - July 22, 2020 at 07:35AM

Portland has been ground zero for leftist insanity since before the 'rona and before the anti-police riots that we're past claiming are peaceful protests about George Floyd. Portland has been like this for a while (see THIS PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER CONFIRMS WHAT WE KNOW: THE REAL PROBLEM IS WHITE LIBERALS and FIRST-PERSON FOOTAGE SHOWS PORTLAND ANTIFA BEATING DOWN A JOURNALIST). Before Donald Trump sent his "unidentified stormtroopers" to Portland, there have been 50 days of peaceful riots, and elected officials in Portland have shown no interest in doing anything about it.

While you may not have heard much about the riots, I'm sure most of you have heard about the unidentified federal agents whisking away peaceful protesters in unmarked vans and jive like that. If it sounds unbelievable, that's because according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan, it is.

Morgan also said in an interview that using "unmarked" vans is common. Because when the vans are marked, they are targeted by the rioters they are there to stop. Yeah, I know I said "what the media is leaving out" while quoting Time magazine, which I guess still counts as "media." I mean capital-M "media," as in the left's entire Clickbait-Industrial Complex. How many of you have heard about the unidentified stormtroopers and unmarked vans? Now how many of you have heard from Morgan? The speaker of the House keeps repeating the former. Even though I follow the news, I only stumbled upon the latter Googling to get Morgan's job title.

EXIT QUESTION: How do you feel about the president sending federal agents into Portland and threatening to send them to other cities in the first place? I understand the rationale; the leaders of the city don't seem to be doing anything. Just look at how CHOP turned out in Seattle. But I feel like ... this is what the people in these cities voted for. This is who the people in these cities keep voting for. Let them deal with the consequences of their ignorance and/or apathy and the ballot box WITHOUT setting a precedent of sending in troops.

from Steven Crowder Says